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January 14, 2025 4:53 pm  #6931

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Anna wiping my tears and kissing my streaks makes me feel a mix of overwhelming love and an unexpected tent forming quickly in my pants, I guess I feel as turned on taking care of her tears as well as Anna taking care of mine. As she starts moving her face away from mine (after kissing the last tear streak) I whisper: “Thank you my love, can I ask you something? Remember the dream I would love to fulfill? (I hope she remembers that I would love to feel her hands land firmly on top of mine as my hands are on her sexy thighs, making them jiggle with the impact under my hands, a plus is if there are witnesses, in this case my parents, my brother and sister in law).”


January 14, 2025 4:57 pm  #6932

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As I ask Enid about the sexy skirts as part of the uniform I complete the idea: “Imagine a day of white cup art latte, a day of orange cup art latte and so on, as well as cup of the day, you know, original recipes only available on a certain day of the week.” I drop my hand on her thigh, feeling her sexy toned muscles jiggling in my hand under the fabric of her jeans: “My love, I don’t know why I can’t avoid the desire, no, need, to feel your sexy thighs and calves jiggling in the sexy way only your muscles jiggle in my hands without any fabric in between.”


January 14, 2025 8:45 pm  #6933

Re: Movie night

I let out a slight gasp as Jarrod turned his face at the last sec and I stead of kissing his cheek he planted a passionate kiss on my lips as he simultaneously began to shake my thighs. I let them jiggle completely unrestrained as I was too taken of guard to do anything otherwise.

I could almost instantly feel myself beginning to get wet again (from Jarrod's hands on my thighs) so to distract myself from having an "accident" in front of the whole family I started (almost unconsciously) to focus on running my fingers through his hair in the most loving way possible.

     Thread Starter

January 14, 2025 8:52 pm  #6934

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As I pull away from William's face I hear him whisper thanking me. He then asks if I remember the dream he was hoping to fulfill.

Without saying a word, and forcing myself to quickly boost my confidence even more, I  dropped my hands firmly on top of William's (that were still on my thighs) with just enough force to make them as well as my thighs and calves jiggle.

I smiled at William waiting for his reaction.

     Thread Starter

January 16, 2025 5:03 am  #6935

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

Arriving at work one day, I was a little startled to find Isabel in a new uniform.

She was tying her hair back in a ponytail and once she had finished turned to look at me.

'What do you think?' She asked me anxiously. She was dressed in a white blouse, dark grey waistcoat, stripy tie and emerald green knee length skirt. This was topped off with dark tights and light brown court shoes.

'You look really smart' I informed her. A single tear ran down her left cheek

'I'm so glad you like it' she said very relieved. 'Enid wanted me to try it out today, see what it looked like in the coffee shop' She wiped her tear and I got ready too, me in the old uniform.

Once we had fully dressed, we went out onto the shop floor. We were also running a promotional coffee month, so Isabel got ready to learn this week's coffee off Tristan

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

January 18, 2025 7:08 pm  #6936

Re: Movie night

Sadie's POV

One day Jennifer and Jessica had come into the juice bar for their weekly visit.

They had seen The Lost Stranger the day before and wanted to ask me about the actress who played Leila.

'Does she have blonde hair in real life?' Jessica asked. I replied that yes she did.

'Is she still with her girlfriend?' Jennifer enquired. The girls had tears welling in their eyes.

'She is still with Rachel' I informed them. 'They're married now, they got married about six months after her sister and Robyn'

Tears ran down their cheeks.

'We've met her' Jessica explained. 'In Rotterdam all those years ago, we brought them together'

'It's so nice to hear they are still so happy' Jennifer replied. The girls wiped their tears, and I couldn't help shedding a tear myself

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

January 19, 2025 5:09 am  #6937

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

I wanted to meet Tristan halfway with his suggestions, so I proposed we do the promotional coffees, but do one a week as opposed to one a day

'If we start off with a month, we can easily extend it if we want' I continued.

I wanted to see what the new suggested uniform would look, so it was decided that we get just one and see how it looked. I was a little wary when Isabel was chosen go wear it - I had seen a couple of best friends break up over the silliest of things at college, but Emily seemed fine with it.

After two or three days, I asked her her opinion on the new uniform

'It's a little too formal for a simple coffee shop' she confessed. 'If we were a bistro, it would be perfect. But I can't deny Isabel does look nice wearing it. I'd be fine wearing it myself'

I thanked her for her comments and we continued the day

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

January 20, 2025 2:53 am  #6938

Re: Movie night

Feeling her sexy thighs jiggle completely unrestrained in front of my parents and my brother with his wife turns me on as much as her, I whisper: “Camilla, my love, I’m about to have a boy accident and I can’t stop it, it’s impending and I feel you’re in the same situation, care to excuse ourselves and go to my old room and make love there?”


January 20, 2025 3:38 am  #6939

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Anna remembers and drops both hands on top of mine as I rest them on her thighs. As soon as I feel her sexy thighs jiggle in my hands with hers on top, I feel the tent that had already formed earlier quickly and impending fill with hot life giving liquid that, no matter what I do, won’t stop from wetting my boxers and pants.

I give her a shy smile as I slide my hand to the hot, wet spot in my pants.


January 20, 2025 4:22 am  #6940

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

Hearing Enid’s reply on the idea of original recipes, I agree, trying to think of a thematic way to unify the four flavors of the month, plus, Enid approving the uniform and Isabel being the first one to wear it with Emily willing to wear it, gives me motivation to keep coming up with ideas, recipes and suggestions. I start to think on our regulars getting to know our staff, with the employee of the month I think on showing the certifications and other achievements each of our employees have earned.


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