One day a few mos later he surprises my by lovingly stating how glad he was that my false pregnancy test brought me to him. He would take care of my child regardless of if he was the father or not, but that after we get married next month we can then start seriously thinking about starting a family. He then quickly changes the subject asking if I'm ready to start looking for my perfect wedding dress.
"I'd love to!" I begin with a squeal a bit louder than intended. "When and where did you have in mind (or were you just throwing it out there and hoping I had a plan)?" I finished asking curiously.
Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (March 9, 2025 3:00 pm)
I notice I didn’t have a plan for that: “Well, to be honest, I don’t have a plan for this but, I was wondering if my budget could afford a beautiful dress for the church wedding and a sexy, revealing dress for the lunch or dinner afterwards, I would really love to show off your new sexy body.” I drop a hand on her upper thigh (hoping she indulges me allowing me to feel her completely relaxed muscles jiggle in my hand).
He explains that he didn’t really have a definite plan for wedding dress shopping but that he hoped he had enough money for my dream dress as well as a second dress for the reception after. I then felt him drop his right hand on my left upper thigh. I let it jiggle unrestrained. I let him revel completely in the jiggles his hand felt until it stopped before replying.
“How about you pick a dress shop that fits your budget and I’ll see if they have the perfect dress. I mean as much as a dress is important, the most important thing is that we’re getting married.” I explain lovingly.