Just wondering whether people have come across (either on social media or YouTube) photos and videos of people you know in real life crying? I obviously won't post them here, but I've seen two videos of women I know (and while I'm not super close with either of them, I'd call them friends) crying online.
One is on Instagram, and she actually cries tears of joy in the video. The quality isn't great, but a single tear trickling down each cheek is visible (which she quickly wipes, and the video is quite short).
The other is on YouTube, a vlog style video where this lady tears up and has tear-filled eyes for a good portion of the video. She wipes her eyes and blinks back her tears before any can trickle down, but the tears are visible in her eyes.
I've also seen a photo of another young lady I was friends with a few years ago where while no tears were visible, it looked like she'd been crying as her eyes were slightly red and damp and it looked like she'd just wiped tears off her face (and the context of the post heavily suggested that she indeed had been crying before taking the picture).
I've seen another post from a different friend on Instagram where she talks about crying a lot with one of her friends, but none of the photos showed either of them (her or her friend) crying.
Have you seen these sorts of posts, photos, videos?