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August 17, 2013 10:22 pm  #1

selfobs (f tears)

I was reading a lot in the forum and I found some really nice observations about sheding tears. First I wanted to answer to one of these threads, but it is allready a long time ago and I guess a lot of people who partizipated at that time in the forum aren't active anymore. That is why I open e new topic.

One day I was having an argument with my husand, it doesn't matter what it was about. When I am arguing with somebody I start tearing quite easily. When I stop talking at that point I can hold back my tears (I hate crying in front of anyone). That is why I stopped talking at one point, I just turned around and sat down on the floor. I lowered my had to cover my face from my husband with my hair and he turned around and left the room. Normally I cry quite soundless. My shoulders are shaking, I feel the sobs inside the chest and I try to inhale silently, that nowbody can hear my cry. That's what I did at that point. I felt a lump inside my throat and tears formed in my eyes and spilled over my cheeks. Because I had my head lowerd the tears fell on my naked legs and feet. I wasn't crying for long because our boy who was more or less one and a half at that point entered the room and came to me. I didn't want to cry in front of him. He was very sweet, stroked my hair and sat down beside me. We sat there for a while until I was able to get up. I than went to the bathroom to wash my face and looked at me in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy and I hated the look of myself at that moment. I guess my husband doesn't know that he set me off crying or he never mentioned it afterwards, any how I am glad he didn't


August 19, 2013 11:26 pm  #2

Re: selfobs (f tears)

Didn't he see your eyes and puffy face?

''I like crying. And now I not only wanna cry and show my crying to other people, I wanna just split myself down the middle and open my guts and just throw everything out!''
Woody Harrelson

August 20, 2013 5:36 pm  #3

Re: selfobs (f tears)

He didn't see my tears because of my hair, or maybe he saw them but didn't want to embarrass me. And afterwards he left the house and came back later, when I found back to my composure.

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