Brody and Christensen outdo themselves in this one. I haven't seen such wonderful crying in a movie for a very long time ..
( at 36:36, another brilliant one at 50:09, at 1:12:00 and on to 1:19:00),
Wow, thanks! I knew nothing about this before! I love Adrien Brody; he's a superb crier in films.
Definitely, i found him beaitifully crying in this one too...That close up of his green eyes filled with tears streaming on his neck ..i wonder what's the story behind this...
( close up at 0:16:43 and at 1:29:00)
psychic_girl wrote:
Definitely, i found him beaitifully crying in this one too...That close up of his green eyes filled with tears streaming on his neck ..i wonder what's the story behind this...
( close up at 0:16:43 and at 1:29:00)
He's crying out of pity because he's just seen a girl who's a prostitute being exploited on a bus. A truly beautiful and compassionate scene.