A little while without posting obs, I have had a few but haven’t posted them. This one was a little unexpected and intense.
A young girl I met a few weeks ago and I were in the classroom, at the end of class a small prayer took place. She was standing next to me during the prayer, A minute after the prayer started, I heard ragged breathing close to me, my heart started to go faster and I hoped it was her sobbing. Instinctively, with eyes closed, I moved my arm to check if it was her the person sobbing, to my surprise she was. I slowly took a couple of steps to be at reach, and I placed my hands on her shoulders, feeling them shudder because of the sobbing.
After a little while I placed a hand on her back while leaving the other at her shoulder. I felt her lungs filling and trembling with silent sobs. I half opened my eyes to see her face, it was streaked with tears but her hands were held up, blocking my hands to reach her. When I decided to go around her hands, she covered her eyes with her hands, not allowing me to wipe her cheeks. I caressed her hands hoping to lower her hands, no success, so I had to wipe the outer corner of her eyes, feeling hot tears from her left cheek only.
At the end, the person leading the prayer said “if you feel like hugging someone or pray for someone, this is the moment, let go. I hugged her and she responded by hugging me back. She hugged me firmly, resting her head on my shoulder, I felt her whole body trembling with shuddering sobs, I held her firm, supporting her. When finally the hug was broken, I managed to wipe her tear streaked face one last time. She looked radiant and beautiful, she smiled at me and we went back to our own.
Well, our eyes were closed, but my best guess is, if she was standing up and her tears had been dripping from her chin, most of her tears should have landed on her sweater.