So, I've always liked this, but lately I've been thinking about it and noticing it a lot.
I love the point after a vocalized sob during which the person has used up his or her breath but is still unable to inhale. The person may be struggling to inhale, or his/her chin/mouth may be trembling. It may be after some "rapid-fire" sobbing, or it may be after one hard exhaling sob. But there's something about it that really highlights the intensity of the crying. I also like the sharp inhale after this shortness of breath, but there's just something about those few seconds between sobs. I hope I'm describing it well. Anyone else notice or like (or dislike!) this?
Damn, those autocorrects really messed this up.
I don't care about it specifically. But what you're describing - uncontrollable sobbing - usually causes good BLT's. So those moments are great for me.
Last edited by TorNorth (April 1, 2012 2:46 pm)
Do you have a sample clip (either gender) of what you're talking about specifically? I do like sharp inhales, but I can't really picture what the few seconds of "nothing" are that happen before it to be able to comment properly.
Last edited by woundedpuppy (April 1, 2012 6:43 pm)
Hmm. Well, there was a really good example in a video that's no longer online, unfortunately! Which was actually the video that made me first notice this phenomenon. Ugh, I wish I could describe it better. Let me hunt around for an example.
Here's a not-so-great example at 1:25 --
She sobs once, and then there are a few seconds before she's able to sharply inhale.
Well, if I have the general idea, then yes, it would be something I would be into. Like, the anticipation that they are about to sob, choke, sharply inhale or whatever... the silent build-up where you know it's going to come, and it's just a matter of how long before it comes. I love moments of anticipation, so I would be on the edge waiting. I would want to see their face while it was happening too. Basically, the whole anticipation thing would be a turn-on, I guess, and the obvious deepness of their emotions that would bring them to such a state where there was a "frozen" moment taking place before a sharp inhale.
Last edited by woundedpuppy (April 6, 2012 1:09 am)
Yes, it's that anticipation that I love. And that's why I said that clip was a not-so-good example... because you can't see her face. Frustrating!
Carrotcake... I know exactly what you're talking about. At least, I think I do. And I love it.
I don't think I've actually witnessed it in person apart from my own crying (which is very, very rare--especially that intense of an episode), but I can imagine it, and gahhh... yes.