Lillianne wrote:
I'm definitely more on the comforter side, too...but sometimes I wonder if there's a little tiny smidge of something twisted thrown in there too. I love the idea of a man near tears, and he's at your mercy in a way; such as, he's right on the brink and by one little comment or gesture you make, encouraging him to cry, he falls off the edge. And you're there to catch him, of course.
But still I find myself feeling a little bit conflicted about that particular fantasy now and then.
I know the conflicted feeling very well, but I think you nailed it -- you're there to *catch* him when he falls off the edge, so I think that's the main thing. Either that, or I'm a bit twisted too.
What are the other kinks you have, Lillianne, if you don't mind me asking? I have a kink for sneezing and other nasal symptoms from allergies. It's the loss of control thing.
Hi, and welcome to the forum!
I very much agree with you when it comes to crying familymembers. My father never cries, thank god. It would totally freak my out. When my mother cries I get uncomfortable and clumsy in my attempts to comfort her. I actually just want to move away from the situation.
I have thought long and hard about the fact that I enjoy (very much) the visible signs of men in psychological pain of some sort. In the last two years I have had two of my male colleagues breaking down and crying in front of me in my office, and I have to say that I have intensely enjoyed it both times. They were both in pain because of troubles with wife/girlriend and needed to let out some steam when they came to talk to me ( I am the only girl in my office )
Does this make me a bad person? I don't feel like it. On the contrary...I see myself as a very empathetic, warm and nice person. I take it as a big compliment that they both trusted me so much that they could cry in front of me. One of the guys said; "oh my god, I haven't cried in many, many years. Not even in my fathers funeral". That made me feel really good...As long as I am not the person who willfully inflicts the pain on someone to make them cry, I can't see that there is anything wrong with my secret attraction to their tears... Both colleagues thanked me for listening to their story afterwards, and said that they felt better.
Nobody knows what's going on in my head, and what you don't know doesn't hurt you
Welcome, Lillianne!
Like most other people here, I also think my fetish is almost entirely about comforting. My fantasies about crying are not satisfying if they involve only one person - it's all about the interaction, and the emotional support. But I feel like there must be a little part of me that's a bit sadistic too, I guess, because of the fact that when people seem a little bit unhappy, I always hope they'll cry and sometimes they would need to be a lot more unhappy to be at that stage, and though I don't actually want people to be unhappy, it's often a necessary element to crying. Willing it feels uncomfortably sadistic but I cannot help wanting to see that vulnerable side. Additionally, for me it is hotter when the person crying is reluctant to, and feels embarrassed, which slightly cancels out the idea that crying can be positive - if the person is uncomfortable about crying then is it really doing them good? I guess it could be relieving and embarrassing at the same time. But like you say, I believe there might be 'a little tiny smidge of something twisted' underneath the nurturing desire. The fact that we all worry about the ethical side to enjoying crying would suggest we can't be too bad though, I like to think. And it's not like we can help it!
Lemonie x
Hmm, I hope that new member Lillianne wasn't scared off with the "April Fools" changes to our posts -- who knows what my post looked like that day! Well, Lillianne, if you're still out there, I would love to hear what your other fetishes are, but if it's a private matter, of course I'll respect that. I'm just fascinated by fetishes in general so it's always neat to hear what other people are into.
Thank you everyone for the welcomes!
Aww, whatever happened on April Fools Day, I missed it! Sorry about disappearing for a while, life's been busy hehe, but I'm still here! Woundedpuppy, that's funny, my other primary kink is actually sneezing and allergy symptoms too, and colds/caretaking. It sure is a small world...but the two fetishes are quite similar, they do indeed both have the common thread of loss of control. I also have a bit of a thing for blindfolds, handcuffs, and even sort of the idea of dominance...but I think I would only enjoy the incorporation of such things if the other person enjoyed it too. I'm still a little confused about my fascination with kind of sadistic things despite the fact that I don't technically consider myself a sadist, due to the fact that I'm very turned off by the thought of actually inflicting any pain. (also, this is unrelated, but...I feel like I kinda have a fetish for guys who have foot fetishes, if that's possible, lol! I don't have one myself but I always thought foot fetishes were cute...even though it's not in a sexual way, I like having my feet touched for some reason. Just thought I'd mention it, heehee!)
Just thought I'd pipe up and say... I too have the sneeze fetish (most specifically a cold fetish and caretaking or h/c fetish.) I've known about that kink much longer than the crying kink! And yes, I also see how they are related. In fact, my crying fetish is also very severely linked to h/c and caretaking (rather than actual tears.)
Last edited by seriously (April 19, 2012 2:51 am)
How did you guys find your way to this group?
I actually found this group through the sneeze fetish forum! But that was a few years ago...
I found it through the sneeze fetish forum too, I'm a long-time lurker on there as well haha!
I found it through looking up crying fetish on google lol