Found this on the web, and gahhh it makes me so jealous! I would have given him what he needed!
Ughhhh!!!! I wish that were me!!!! That sounds like the most wonderful fantasy I could possibly imagine!
Argh! That sounds better than sex... Which makes me feel horribly guilty, but there you go - sex is a fun thing that happens often within a good relationship, but that kind of emotional intimacy would be rare and incredible!
Awww, man! That poor sweet guy...I'm so sad for him. It's interesting to imagine being in the shoes of somebody who's so turned off by emotional intimacy...I could not at any point imagine myself not wanting to go at it again if he wanted to.
I find this very interesting. Personally, I don't think the girl was too mean to the sounds like she at least took the time to listen to him, and it's quite possible he WAS in need of some professional help (IMO most people should probably see a therapist at some point in their life). While I'm generally a sucker for emotional vulnerability and crying is usually a HUGE turn on for me, I can understand how and why such intense vulnerability on only the second date might give her concerns and even be a bit of a turn-off.
HOWEVER. Call me old fashioned, but I think the 2nd date is waaay too early for that kind of physical intimacy (at least for me personally, I don't care what other people do with their personal lives). As much as people try to act like physical and emotional intimacy aren't connected, I think they are closely linked for a lot of people, and sometimes emotional issues seem to surface during sexual activity. It's probably for the best that they didn't wind up staying together...evidently that poor guy probably wants and needs a more serious relationship than the woman could possibly give him. From her post she seems more like the one-night stand type, and possibly not very comfortable with emotions (especially from men).
Last edited by thedreamer (May 19, 2012 7:12 am)