LIke I did with Cillian Murphy, I'm going to post all my Kiefer Sutherland clips here, and update the thread if/when I find more, to have a centralized place for them.
There will be one or two repeats from other threads I've posted, in the name of centralization.
Promised Land, having Feelings about his dad
Last Light, overcome with shame
A Soldier's Sweetheart, silent anguished face as he comforts Skeet Ulrich
24, season 1 finale, discovering his wife dead
Mirrors, discovering his sister dead (nothing explicit shown)
Mirrors, in despair after her death
The Forsaken, stricken with guilt
Woman Wanted, distraught about his mother
Woman Wanted, having Feelings about his dad
If you think of a scene of his that you want to see, just let me know the title and approximate timestamp or other clue as to where in the movie it is, and I will do my best to clip and post it.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (June 18, 2020 8:47 am)
PhoebeOnThePhone wrote:
LIke I did with Cillian Murphy, I'm going to post all my Kiefer Sutherland clips here, and update the thread if/when I find more, to have a centralized place for them.
There will be one or two repeats from other threads I've posted, in the name of centralization.
Promised Land, having Feelings about his dad
Last Light, overcome with shame
A Soldier's Sweetheart, silent anguished face as he comforts Skeet Ulrich
24, season 1 finale, discovering his wife dead
Mirrors, discovering his sister dead (nothing explicit shown)
Mirrors, in despair after her death
The Forsaken, stricken with guilt
If you think of a scene of his that you want to see, just let me know the title and approximate timestamp or other clue as to where in the movie it is, and I will do my best to clip and post it.
Thank you so much for doing all this effort to gather them in one thread. I remember i've seen an important crying part in Woman Wanted ( it's a very hard to find movie) The scene is towards the end of the film where again he's talking with his dad and he has a consistent break down, flushing and gasping for air. His face is also clearly visible in it. After this one there's another brief one where he's talking on the phone with his dad again and tears start streaming down his face and then there comes the ending with him crying on his father's shoulder.
Oh wow that sounds fantastic! I'll see what I can do.
Edit: it's currently free to rent on Amazon. I did my thing, and edited the OP to include links to the clips.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (June 18, 2020 8:49 am)
I might add this up as well.
Thanks psychic! I def meant to post those two.