Ok so one of my favorite voice actors Peter Lewis (I've mentioned in the 'podcast' thread wanting to hear him cry in the NoSleep Podcast) also apparently does some youtuber doing youtube things. In this case, it's eating spicy things in front of the camera while talking about it in his strange lilting cadence.
His eyes literally water from how spicy the nuts are, like you can definitely see tear tracks and that his eyes are wet. (Yeah, eyes watering don't count as crying, I agree. Bear with me while I finish the story.) But then he's like 'this is quite pleasant despite the tears'--and then with actual tears on his face pretends to sob for a second. Gets a little exaggerated at the end, but like, overall it was definitely quite enough to confuse my heart. The whole video is oddly delightful (as are many things Peter Lewis) but the bit I'm talking about starts at about 16:40.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (September 1, 2020 5:02 am)
He did it again!
Same guy, eating something so spicy it makes his eyes water a few minutes into the video, and since he's also an actor he plays around with the fact that he's got tears on his face. Around 6:18 he makes reference to practicing his 'intense tearful stare', and slips into character of 'sad family member' with a sad face and quietly crying.
It is emotionally confusing for me seeing him switch from one to the other and back again in seconds, but it is beautiful to me.
Ok just saw an earlier spicy-food video of his, and bless him, referencing/playing around with spice-induced tears is just something Peter Lewis does, apparently. Starts at about 5:13.He looks straight at the camera with his big wet eyes and starts pleading 'please, no, why?' It is ADORABLE.