Has anyone here ever showed an emotional movie to a friend, and been at least partly curious if it'd wring tears out of them?
Back months ago I showed one of my favorite films to a lady friend visiting. During a particularly bittersweet scene, she suddenly clasped her hand over her heart and her breathing got heavy and her lips got tight.
"Are you getting misty over there?" I said.
"I just might be," she answered in a choked up voice.
It was adorable.
No, as my dislike of sappy films means I won't sit through one even if it means watching someone cry.
Oddly enough, sappy movie has recently made me cry.
I've always wanted to do that, but I might end up crying instead of But it would be really sweet if I could make someone cry (husband or male friend) with a movie.
I am so guilty of this... I made my boyfriend watch A Star us Born after he told me it made him cry! He didn't cry the second time, unfortunately. Hahaha.
I have also made him watch Pixar movies with me, and he got teary watching Inside Out. It was adorable.
This was a dirty trick I used a lot during elementary and middle school. Not so much now.
truffle wrote:
This was a dirty trick I used a lot during elementary and middle school. Not so much now.
Did you get some beautiful crying obs from them
reptongeek wrote:
Did you get some beautiful crying obs from them
Yes sometimes! Often, the person I wanted to see cry the most didn't shed a single tear, but there was almost always someone in the room who cried.
I definitely am very guilty of this - but I usually go for something I genuinely like that also coincidentally could have parts that will definitely emotionally effect the person I'm with.