Missyjdma, there's a link on each page to buy the full episode, but most of the crying I've listed in this thread have been in the free content. That's why I note if it's in the premium version.
Oh my heart. I don't know what it is about this season of the NoSleep Podcast, but there's more crying in the latest episode, (in the free and premium versions)
Episode 15x07
Story: 911 Call from Another Dimension
Voice: Nikolle Doolin
Timestamp: 8:40
Female crying doesn't have the same effect on me as male crying, but I can't deny hers is heartbreaking.
Story: The Pink Palace (premium episode, starts 1:01:40)
Voice: Atticus Jackson
Timestamp: about 1:50:43
I've talked with Atticus on Twitter a time or two (under another name, NOT as Phoebe) and he's a damn chill and funny dude and he was very nice to me.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (October 11, 2020 11:50 pm)
The NoSleep Podcast, 15x08, premium version
Story: The Farwood Phantom
Voice: Atticus Jackson
Timestamp: briefly at about 2:08:03 and again about a minute later.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (October 30, 2020 10:59 pm)
The NoSleep Podcast, 15x09, free version
Story: Rest Stop: 1 Mile
Voice: Dan Zappulla
Timestamp: about 16:00
The NoSleep Podcast 15x14, free version
Story: The Candy Shop (first story)
Voice: Andy Cresswell. He's got this low British voice that does 'heavy with emotion' so well, and he takes these lovely deep shuddering sobbing breaths.
Scene timestamp: about 24:00? Shortly before the end of the story.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (December 2, 2020 2:28 am)
The NoSleep Podcast 15x16, premium version
Story: The Stranger
Voices: I'm pretty sure it's Matt Bradford and Dan Zappulla, but they're both wailing in a most upsetting manner, so it's difficult to be sure
Timestamp: scene starts about 1:15:30
Story: Red Hands
Voice: Kyle Akers
Timestamp: about 2:14:40
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (June 29, 2021 11:12 pm)
I've collected a few more from the NoSleep Podcast.
s06e06 'The Last Halloween'
Timestamp: 2:23:05
Voice: David Cummings
s14e05 'Samhain'
Timestamp: sobbing at about 54:00 and again in the same scene about 5 minutes later
Voice: Dan Zappulla
The premium version of s14x05 contains the story 'Fever'
Timestamp: panicked tears 1:17:00 and again briefly around 1:20:00
Voice: David Ault
s15e22 'The Last Post of u/echo'
Timestamp: about 55:00
Voice: Atticus Jackson, doing some desperate and panicked tears
NoSleep Podcast Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 02
Story: Flesh of the Idiots
Timestamp: scene starts about 1:05:50
Voice: Kyle Akers
NoSleep Podcast
Old Time Radio Vol. 11 (I think it's a bonus episode available if you have the season pass)
Voice: David Cummings
Timestamp: around 53:00.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (March 29, 2021 2:22 am)
I had a vague memory, and turns out I was totally right! The Grey Rooms podcast totally has some crying on it at least once.
The Grey Rooms, 'The Raymond Logs'
Timestamps: about 40, 1:44:00, 1:53:50
Voice: Jason Wilson
The NoSleep Podcast 16x05, free version
Story: Corpse Grin
Voice: Dan Zappulla
Timestamp: about 10:10
Voice: David Cummings
Timestamp: about 12:20
The NoSleep Podcast 16x06, premium version
Story: The Last to Fall
Timestamp: about 2:03:10, on and off for over two minutes
Voice: Graham Rowat
The narrator of the story is afraid he has or will lose his beloved wife, and breaks down into heartbreaking sobs.
The NoSleep Podcast 15x13, premium version
Story: Warlock
Voice: Matt Bradford
Timestamp: scene starts about 1:57:00
The NoSleep Podcast 15x20, free version
Story: Things That Happen in Small Town America
Voice: Kyle Akers
Timestamp: about 1:05:15
NSP 15x20 again, premium version
Story: The Edge
Voice: Jeff Clement
Timestamp: about 1:31:30
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (May 19, 2021 9:02 pm)