Today I was talking with one of my friends, and she said that, though she understands that even guys need to cry during a really serious situation like a death or something, otherwise it pisses her off and makes her want to hit them.
I proudly disagreed and said I thought it was adorable/hot, etc. but it got me thinking.
I think it would be an interesting/"fun" situation to be with another person and the cryer, where the other person makes some sort of comment or acts uncomfortable towards the guy crying and I get to be the sort of "solace" who is completely unjudging and comforting. It'd be nice to actually defend them, I think. I guess it would work better in fiction, because in real life I like to think few people (besides my friend haha) are mean or whatever enough to openly disapprove of a person's crying, but still.
What are others' thoughts?
I had this situation once. A guy was having a discussion about something that was worrying him and wasn't being taken very seriously about it. I was the only one who saw him cry (privately, off to the side with his back turned, but I knew he was crying from the sounds). Anyway, after he regained control, someone (male) again made fun of him for being so worried over what they perceived as nothing. Well, I immediately told them to shut up and told the guy that it was totally understandable why he'd be so worried! And I think it made him feel better. Actually, I'm sure it did. So yeah. It's hot to be that person. The defender. Yep, definitely!
By the way, what the other person did wasn't even that mean-spirited. I just realized the true anguish the guy was going through and the other person didn't even see it that way. I'm sure if they knew he had cried moments before, they would have been more sympathetic.
I'll admit, though, that I do find the concept hot (even in real life) of some completely heartless woman making fun of a guy for crying or being repulsed by his crying and I get to stick up for him (and then tend to his emotional wounds).