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July 15, 2012 2:16 pm  #21

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

That would be really awesome.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

July 19, 2012 6:48 pm  #22

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

@Tearhunter No prob about my question -- I agree it's too complicated for a survey.  I have a friend who didn't open up and my two guesses as to what happened are either that I turned him off the idea of opening up because I brought up the subject too often, or that he needed even *more* encouragement before he felt comfortable opening up.  Or (as a third guess) that he'll never open up to anyone, period, so it's nothing personal.  I don't really know, but I sort of fear the first option and this makes me more hesitant when it comes to initiating conversations about personal subjects with other guys.  And perhaps I need not be.  Regardless, I think it's so incredibly individual that a survey could never really tell me what I needed to know -- it's like a lot of things in life -- it may just come down to timing and chemistry more than anything else, and these factors are only somewhat controllable and are different for every situation.  I do feel that I pick up on timing and chemistry cues in general, so I probably have pretty good judgment.  I'm sure I didn't do anything too inappropriate.  Given that, I suppose I should just make more friends and find those with whom I have the best chemistry (much like dating, haha).   As for timing and other sorts of luck, it's in the hands of the universe!

As far as the Diary goes --

9) PMT?  We call it "PMS" here (pre-menstrual syndrome).  I wouldn't even recognize what PMT was referring to.  Unless that was a typo.  Do I think it's inappropriate/sexist?  Naw, go for it.  Although, to cover other things (such as pregnancy, postpartum depression, etc.) why not call it "hormonal reasons" or something more generalized like that?  Just an idea.  Or do them under different categories... PMS, pregnancy, hormonal changes (or imbalance/disruption) not due to pregnancy (other medical reason), etc.  Unless you're only interested in PMS.

18) typo:  Third option down should be "too" not "to"


July 21, 2012 3:55 am  #23

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

I have 2 further suggestions for your Questionnaire when it's ok...

tearhunter wrote:


What is the difference between the last 2 options?  and what is the definition of "streaming" or "steady flow"? 

I can imagine that everybody could specify this in a different way...

maybe I would rather specify sorts of additional scales:  for example 1 to 5 tears, 5-10, 10-20 ... so every participant (approximately) has the same imagination of it...


Here I miss more options too. The face can also be distorted without trembling...(for example)


same thing:  for example my eyes remain usually clear, and the face don't really get red or puffy but the nose can run like crazy... Also I don't see a real connection between the 2 items?

<<Removed Questionnaire to prevent Google indexing them>>

Last edited by tearhunter (August 6, 2012 8:12 pm)


July 24, 2012 8:45 pm  #24

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

woundedpuppy wrote:

@Tearhunter No prob about my question -- I agree it's too complicated for a survey.  I have a friend who didn't open up and my two guesses as to what happened are either that I turned him off the idea of opening up because I brought up the subject too often, or that he needed even *more* encouragement before he felt comfortable opening up.  Or (as a third guess) that he'll never open up to anyone, period, so it's nothing personal.  I don't really know, but I sort of fear the first option and this makes me more hesitant when it comes to initiating conversations about personal subjects with other guys.  And perhaps I need not be.  Regardless, I think it's so incredibly individual that a survey could never really tell me what I needed to know -- it's like a lot of things in life -- it may just come down to timing and chemistry more than anything else, and these factors are only somewhat controllable and are different for every situation.  I do feel that I pick up on timing and chemistry cues in general, so I probably have pretty good judgment.  I'm sure I didn't do anything too inappropriate.  Given that, I suppose I should just make more friends and find those with whom I have the best chemistry (much like dating, haha).   As for timing and other sorts of luck, it's in the hands of the universe!

As far as the Diary goes --

9) PMT?  We call it "PMS" here (pre-menstrual syndrome).  I wouldn't even recognize what PMT was referring to.  Unless that was a typo.  Do I think it's inappropriate/sexist?  Naw, go for it.  Although, to cover other things (such as pregnancy, postpartum depression, etc.) why not call it "hormonal reasons" or something more generalized like that?  Just an idea.  Or do them under different categories... PMS, pregnancy, hormonal changes (or imbalance/disruption) not due to pregnancy (other medical reason), etc.  Unless you're only interested in PMS.

18) typo:  Third option down should be "too" not "to"

I agree, although your proposed question is very interesting, it's also vary focused and personal which makes it difficult to ask in a more generalised questionnaire. I know you've stepped back from trying to 'engineer' these situations to elicit male crying which is a good thing I think. In my experience, the best chance you will have to get both males and females to open up and cry is to let them drive the situation. If in doubt listen rather than butting in and saying something - if they want to talk they will eventully fill any gap in conversation, and usually the more they talk the more they open up and the more likely they will become emotional. A generalisation I know but it tends to hold true for the majority.

The world is a complicated place, it's pre-menstrual tension here - if I use it I guess I would need to avoid the acronym as if I typed it as 'pre-menstrual tension' most would understand what it was eluding too. I like the idea of expanding this to include pregnancy, postpartum depression (or baby blues as we call it) as I've had first hand experience of how they effect a woman's emotional state - hormonal reasons is perhaps to general and the use of the word 'hormonal' tends to not go down well with women over here! I'll try and work somthing in.

Another typo, you're just too (did I get that right) good  :o)

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July 24, 2012 9:06 pm  #25

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

@badcr: thanks for reviewing the questions, question 15) is more about intensity than volume - you might shed 10 tears in a couple of minutes or 10 tears over the space of an hour - you might describe the first as a 'few tears' as that's the perception you would have had as you were crying, but the other would perhaps be described as 'streaming tears' as the crying was much more intense. You could decide to rate these question 1 - 5 but I feel it's better to add some text around the option.

Same with 16) and 17) really, I'm looking to have 5 options for all these questions, and I agree that there are many more potential options to the ones I've provided but I think they still convey an upward scale of intensity and that's the angle I'm aiming to focus on. I have similar types of questions on the original questionnaire they seem to be answer ok on the sliding scale of intensity.

As always please feel free to comment further if you think I've got this wrong, or if I worded it differently I'd make my intentions clearer.

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July 24, 2012 9:07 pm  #26

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

I plan to leave this open for comments until the weekend - then I'll probably remove the questionnaire entries from this thread - I don't want google indexing the questions and them finding there way into search engine results - I only want the questionnaire achieving that status.

So, please if you have any further comments let me know... thanks for your help so far.   :o)

     Thread Starter

July 25, 2012 2:44 am  #27

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

tearhunter wrote:

In my experience, the best chance you will have to get both males and females to open up and cry is to let them drive the situation.

I so agree with this!  Thanks for your insight.  And good luck with the survey!!


July 29, 2012 5:38 pm  #28

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

am i too late to answer the questionaire?

there was once was a wise old saying...

July 30, 2012 8:43 pm  #29

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

Feel free to comment on the questionnaire, I've been a bit busy over the last few days so not removed the questions as yet - probably do that in the next few days.

But, don't answer the questions yet, I'll work on building it as a website over the next few weeks and I'll let you know when it's ready for use 

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August 6, 2012 8:16 pm  #30

Re: The Ultimate Crying Questionnaire - First Draft

Thanks for all your comments and help on this guys, I've removed the questionnaire from the forum to prevent Google indexing the words and sending people to this site rather than the real questionnaire - while we could do with the publicity I don't think pointing them in the direction of a crying fetish forum is the right thing to do !!

Hopefully sometime soon I'll get the site up and running...

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