it's from a movie that is very hard to find
nted gctsaila
Here it is .
it's well made but the movie must be awsome to see. I hope Elias Koteas cries as well. I saw him a bit tearing up in the Thin Red Line . I'm such an dracriphiliac, send me an e-mail so that i know you receive my posts
Wilson has another crying scene in the car with House in the second to last episode of the series. I believe it is called Holding On. The scene is really touching, very well played between the two of them.
Ooh, I didn't know that. I saw the series finale but missed the second last episode. I'm too lazy to search for a link or pay for it, though. Darn laziness.
Penn Badgley has a crying scene in the movie called Margin Call. I couldn't find clips, but it is about 70 minutes into the movie. He thinks he's going to be fired and ends up sobbing in a bathroom stall. Pretty hot. Haven't seen the whole movie just this part.
He's pretty cute too. Anybody know any other scenes where we get to see him upset?
You should all go see the movie Little White Lies. It's a French movie,and has easily my favorite male crying scene to date. And there's other male crying as well. And there's a lot of female crying too, from all three main actresses but most noticeable from Marion Cotillard.
Another movie everyone should see is called Burning Man . Its with Matthew Goode and its about him dealing with the death of his wife. There are two really intense crying scenes, one is when she actually dies, and another is the very last scene of the movie in the garden of their house. He's really good. No tears though :-( not sure if that means he's really crying or not
I just saw the movie Personal Effects with Ashton Kutcher and Michelle Pfeiffer, Both cry in this but there a scene towards the end of the movie where Ashton cries in Pfieffer's arms wfile he is dressed in a chiken suit. He looks soo cute and vulnarable though the scene is short. Before this there's also a close up with his eyes all teary in another scene.
What a cute scene. Wish he wasn't in the chicken suit though, but the scene is really heartbreaking.
Thanks for all your finds! Keep 'em coming please!
A couple from the show Southland
Code 4 at the end... prolonged Sammy crying scene. I won't say more because there are huge spoilers
What Makes Sammy Run? Sammy again when he is arresting a kid for murder who he's gotten attached to. Toward the end of the episode, really sweat
Discretion- Ben McKenzie (Ryan from the OC) at the very end of the episode in the car with his mom. More believable than he ever was in the OC, but that's not saying much. Still cute though.