As I said, my favorite type of tears are the ones that fall quickly, but I have more things to say about this.
I also like to see and hear tears falling on a surface, preferably one that makes noise. I also like when the tear doesn't touch the face and falls directly from the eye to the surface, but this is a bit disruptive, as we can't see the tears streaks. I like it when something "different" happens, for example when a tear curves as it runs down the face or when it simply flies from the eye or eyelashes. I really like it when two tears flow from the same eye at the same time, that is, two tears flow from different parts of the eye at the same time. I once had four tears running down the same side of my face at the same time. And you? What is your favorite type of tears? Tell me and I'll tell you if I like it or not. I await your answers!!
Hi !
I also like tears falling quickly and hearing them falling on a surface, just like you.
That being said, I mostly like it when it comes from sheer volume production: the more there are, the more I like it. My ultimate goal would be to watch a girl letting all of her tears fall in a focus point, over some smooth surface (let's say a table or a desk, for more convenient matters or obvious reasons), until it's shaping into a compact, unified small puddle (I don't know, maybe like 4 or 5 inches wide, at least)...
It depends. I like to watch tears fall down the middle of the cheek but they can be of variable speed, as long as it isn't too slow
The best thing is if tears fall down both cheeks. It doesn't necessarily have to be at the same time as this does add variety
My favourite crier Lisa Soberano is great at getting tears to stream down both sides of her face
Massivetearslover wrote:
Hi !
I also like tears falling quickly and hearing them falling on a surface, just like you.
That being said, I mostly like it when it comes from sheer volume production: the more there are, the more I like it. My ultimate goal would be to watch a girl letting all of her tears fall in a focus point, over some smooth surface (let's say a table or a desk, for more convenient matters or obvious reasons), until it's shaping into a compact, unified small puddle (I don't know, maybe like 4 or 5 inches wide, at least)...
I also love it when a puddle of tears forms on some surface. I find it very satisfying to see tear stains or tears just lying somewhere.
For me it's tears rolling down the face, falling towards the lips or off the cheek.
Tears falling from the centre or outer edge of the eye. I love it when the eyes fill with tears first and slowly spill over. The tear has to be left to roll down the cheek - tears rolling down smooth skin is amazing. Then the perfect cherry on top is if tears run down the neck and down the chest - I'm likely to fall in love at this point
The person can wipe tears gently away but only so the next tears to fall don't get too mixed up with the previous tears - I like tear drops to be visible as they roll down.
All of the above
my favorite will always be big, messy tears, the kind that leave thick streaks on the face, trail down the neck and chest, soak into fabric, and puddle or pool where they fall. i also especially love tears leaving multiple tear streaks, and falling at a speed and intensity that wiping them away or trying to catch them with a tissue is a lost cause.
Yes so beautiful
repressedjudie wrote:
my favorite will always be big, messy tears, the kind that leave thick streaks on the face, trail down the neck and chest, soak into fabric, and puddle or pool where they fall. i also especially love tears leaving multiple tear streaks, and falling at a speed and intensity that wiping them away or trying to catch them with a tissue is a lost cause.
I NEED to agree. The description you gave is just perfect for me.