I have been searching for good crying scenes with Bruce Willis. There are not may to choose from, and if
he rearly cries in a movie it's always the famous "one tear" cry (like in Armageddon).
BUT; it turns out that in "Unbreakable" from 2001, there are some deleted scenes that never made the movie.
One of the scenes shows Bruce's character breaking down in the shower after he returns home being the only survivor from
a terrible traincrash.
The scene blew me away! Unfortunately I'm not so good at videoediting, so I don't know how to make a clip
yet. But I managed to take a couple of screen caps. Enjoy!
nice! I really want to see the whole scene now...
Suckerformanlytears...You can see Bruce Willis crying 4 times in the Colour of the night, a 90's drama and it's not just a one tear scene. You can also see him crying in The Story of Us in a beautifully depicted scene and then again he cries many times in Hostage