Seeing the new trailers it seems Michael Fassbender will have a great breaking down scene in the Counselor ( i saw some pics and a few glimpses from the trailer, there must be at least 2 scenes )
and of course Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club who fully blown sobs ( he also loooks like crying in the Lincoln Lawyer and Tptoes). So who's anticipating great cries here?
OH YES I've been anticipating The Counselor since I first saw its first trailer months ago! I didn't realize that Michael Fassbender scene there before.. wheeee! *excited*
Matthew McConaughey is sooo thin in Dallas Buyers Club! :O
hi there
i have a link where you can see the crying scene for michael fassbender in THE COUNSELOR,
i am sorry, the quality is really bad (cam), but it gives you a hint since some of us were anticipatind that scene
around 91.20
its a complete breakdown an sobbing, i think it's very realistic acted.
Yes, indeed and i also found one at aprox 79'00 where he is in the car talking on the phone, his face is wet. I hope we will get to see these scenes sooner on HD
Actually he wasn't supposed to be crying in that car scene. He said, "I didn’t mean to weep in that scene in the car. I didn’t. It just happened. I did think maybe it’s too much. I was afraid of a double beat there."
I love that kind of scene where an actor's crying isn't 100% acting
It has a reality touch in it...
Also, I can't wait to see this movie on cinema!
PS: his breakdown scene towards the ending is AMAZING! ♥
Last edited by sakura (November 7, 2013 9:01 pm)
Evidently he's quite emotional in real life.
While filming this scene in "Shame", there were cameras on both him and on his co-star. This was his real reaction, he wasn't supposed to tear up during this scene:
I have a theory that men who easily cry in real life are the best on-screen criers as well.
Last edited by caircair (November 6, 2013 11:12 pm)
@caircair: Oh yes, I love that scene in "Shame" as well! <3 And I like how they teased him for crying in that scene xD
Indeed, Fassy is an emotional man in real life. I read that he gets upset easily, just from the simplest thing like putting a cuff link in a shirt.
I totally agree with your theory about men who easily cry in real life are the best on-screen criers... however I noticed that not all of them have the "right" (not too ugly & not overly exposed/too much) crying face/sound on-screen.
A great example of this is Bradley Cooper -- while he cries easily in real life, he makes an ugly crying face & sound when he's really crying (like a hyena, he said) that they almost always cut his crying scenes cos it's apparently "too much" (although I'm dying to see them! XD). Whenever Bradley cries on-screen, he's only playing pretend, which sucks :/
Just look at The Words, Silver Linings Playbook, The Place Beyond the Pines, for instance. His crying scenes are all so fake or were cut! :S
Agreed. Another good crier is Daniel Craig. And for those who said "James Bond doesn't cry", I say I like the character much better now that he's more human and less stereotype.
Having seen the new trailer for the new X-Men movie, I'm looking forward to seeing Jennifer Lawrence cry again. It's becoming a habit, that's the third film of hers I've seen her cry in
@caircair: Oh yes, Daniel Craig is a good crier! I like how James Bond shows his emotional side, he's more human that way <3
@reptongeek: Jennifer Lawrence will also cry in the new Hunger Games movie coming out this month..