Can you post it?
I wasn't sure if I should post it because it's not really fetish material .they're real people and real grief. But as ashow of the power of not only crying but crying together I'll post it here not in the video section. I recognized one word they said and u think the woman was their mother not grandmother.
Last edited by inmyarms (December 3, 2013 11:04 pm)
Do you understand what the woman is singing? Is it religious or does she sing about the life of the death woman?
I don't understand it but I looked up a little about the custom.apparently they customize the lament for each deceased taking about what they meant to the family and how they will be missed. The whole scene has been haunting me in a good seems so much more powerful and meaningful than the rigid restrained formal American services.the American concept that a funeral should be about celebrating a life and not mourning a death seems like just another was our society stifles grief even where it would be appropriate. I don't have Rio know anything about this woman to know what an impact she made in life just by seeing the outpouring of emotion from those who knew her.this is why crying is so beautiful to me. It speaks volumes when it is allowed to speak fully. it is such a shame that this custome is being forgotten. according to my mother now, big name singers are hired to seranade the families while they wail on top of the speakersystmes, abnd full sized brass bands accompany them to the cemetary. alot of pomp and ceremony where a simple tradition is so much more poingiant.
Last edited by inmyarms (December 3, 2013 11:54 pm)
It really is beautiful. I'm really uncomfortable with grief myself, partly because it's a desexualization of something I think of as sort of sexual (sort of on the level of seeing your parents make out), and also just because I'm from a WASPy american family.
Really? I think grief is so beautiful. It's an extension of love.
I have several pictures of me crying and one video.
The pictures initially came out of a bit of curiousity as to how I looked when I cried. I have a few amazing close-up shots of my wife's tears which turn me on every time I look at them and I wondered if I could get the same type of images of my tears. It can be difficult getting 'real' crying shots as it tends to be the last thing you are thinking about when you are upset.
I'll not go into the details of the video - how it came about that is. But, I have filmed myself crying with tears flowing unchecked down my face and dripping off my chin - probably 20+ tears in about 5mins. It's quite odd watching yourself cry - I found that the movement of the tears can turn me on a bit if I just focus on the tear flow - but I have to watch it with the sound off.
I'd never post the video or unedited images openly. I'd be too worried someone would recognise me dispite the internet being a huge place. I would consider doing a swap behind the scenes with a few trusted members of the forum - don't know if anyone feels the same
I've also thought about posting an extreme close up of my tears online but make sure I could not be recognised - this is something I might do if others want to join me - the key is it would be an image of your tears but one that you are confident no-one will know it's you?
If you are still too afraid there is always the Personal Message option.
I'm much of the same mind as on all count
Does that mean you might be willing to post a non-identifiable image or swap via Personal Message?
I don't have any non identifiable ones. As far as a swap I'd consider it. I'm hesitant about the kids of Anonymity abd watching a fat lady cry might not as pretty a thing as you'd hoped but I'd think about it.