Due for another movie session either today or tomorrow. Depends how long I have to be on hold this afternoon with my insurance company.
weird, weird.
Which part is weird? The movie, the crying or beingon hold
Y'all going haha, heehee, and snikersnort to each other! LOL! No offense, of's perfectly normal to cry at a film...even if I've never done so. That's just me. Y'all have a terrific day!
Last edited by handkerchief (December 31, 2013 4:30 pm)
Oh lol I thought you were responding to my last post. Oops. Yeah we're weird. Fully agree on that point.
We're weird...well, what for that? I hear tell being normal ain't all it's cracked up to be anyway. Ha.
Yup normal has been done to death
Holy snot faucet!! This week's emotional movie purge was intense. Just watched hachi. About a dog who waits at the train station for his dead master to come home from work every day for a decade until the dig dies waiting. Gawd hasn't cried that hard in a long time. Nearly forty minutes this time abd I have learned the true definition of ugly cry. Ain't no way that video is ever seeing the light of day that was just gross. I think I busted a few capillaries in the course of my hysterics. I will pay a more detailed obs and some screenshots layer when I have time to get into detail. Meantime just a smell peek. These are pictures of where my tears fell into the pillow I was holding. Soaked.
Use the photos section to post self pictures, guys.
its not letting me delete the links. i keep getting an error messege.
Last edited by inmyarms (December 31, 2013 9:42 pm)