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November 16, 2013 1:57 pm  #1

Gah! Three more months to February...

The glass is half empty. When will the Winter Olympics arrive so that I can watch some more hot sportswomen cry? The summer version didn't disappoint and this one better not either. 

Ugly crying is pretty crying

November 16, 2013 11:11 pm  #2

Re: Gah! Three more months to February...

I dunno.sweaty crying athletes just don't hold the appeal for me.I guess cuz part of my fascination with crying is the intimacy of the emotion.when you're crying in a pedestal and everyone knows exactly why the mystery is kind of lost.

Tears are the last gift of true love.

November 19, 2013 9:08 pm  #3

Re: Gah! Three more months to February...

I can appreciate some good crying from both genders in the Olympics.


January 6, 2014 7:05 pm  #4

Re: Gah! Three more months to February...

Any takers? I've got my eyes on Tina Maze, Lindsey Van and Lindsey Vonn.

Ugly crying is pretty crying
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