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January 19, 2014 3:59 pm  #1

crying because of a death person (content warning)

I witnessed the death of quite a young man, which I know since some years. He went for a walk and told about problems breathing already during the walk. When he came home he just collapsed on the floor and stopped breathing. His relatives started doing CPR until the paramedics arrived and flew him to a hospital.
I had the opportunity to study the relatives during this time, actually I felt like a voyeur. I also feel badĀ  writing you here about, but my husband is not exactely the one I can tell something about crying.
There were the wife of the man, two daughters, a son- in- law with a baby, a son with hisĀ girlfriend, another son, 5 doctors and two policemen. Most of these people were crammed into the livingroom. The "professionals" were professional, just doing their work, the two police men included.
The wife was very clear about what happend, she just had some red rimmed eyes but she didn't cry when I saw her. She was the one who organized to drive to the hospital with her son- in- law, she was the one who lit a candle for her husband, she was the one who asked one after an other time, if it is worth to go on and everybody just told her not to lose hope.
One daughter was sobbing on and off, she was the one who started CPR and thought, she could have done better, she wiped the tears from her face immediately.
The second daughter I didn't realize, she was in the room but she didn't cry openly.
The son was sitting on the sofa with his girlfriend. The girlfriend was shaking real badly but she didn't make any sound. Her make-up was running down her face and left black mascara streaks on her face. She didn't wipe them, she just leand her head against her boyfriends chest.
The youngest son, he must have been around twenty was leaning against the door, covering his face, eyes and mouth with his hands, you could see his eyes swimming with tears and when he covered his eyes I could see his contorted mouth, also he didn't make any sound.
The son- in- law was not crying but he had huge eyes, he was looking after the baby.
What struck me most: when I left with my car I had the radio on and a song was playing. I have seen some other deaths and one of these times I listened to the same song. That was when I knew he is not going to make it.


January 19, 2014 4:55 pm  #2

Re: crying because of a death person (content warning)

oh wow....thats horrible but beuaitufl

Tears are the last gift of true love.

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