I dreamed I was crying really really hard on the shoulder of a young woman I don't recognize.tall with long black curly hair.don't remember why I was crying so badly but at some point in the dream she turned menacing.
What do you think about the meening of your dream? I like to speculate because in our dreams we deal with a lor of things from our real life. I find it interessting, that you are the one crying whereas usually you are the one who likes to see other people cry. Did the woman get menacing because you are crying and she doesn't like it or was it more like guilt you feel, that you enjoy other people crying?
It sounds as if you don't feel comfortable crying around others, especially women, and are afriad they will judge you if you do, this seems to be a common theme among us here.
It wasn't that she became menacing because I cried.rather that she took advantage of my vulnerability, comforting at first and then used that to force me into a situation I didn't sent to be in.I'm not afraid of being judged.but I don't cry easily.
I had a dream last night that involved crying. I was watching a program on tv which was a memorial programme for relatives of fallen soldiers in a conflict abroad and there was a singer who sang this moving song during which she started to cry. She shed three tears total; the first two down her left cheek then one down her right
Really interesting you remember the sing?
No unfortunately, I don't remember the song. The singer looked like Faryl Smith who was a contestant on Britain's Got Talent