I was watching Colin Farrell and Matthew McCounaghey in crying scenes over the last few days and I have noticed that each of them have similar crying mannerisms through different scenes. For example Colin crying very hard both in Bruges and in Winters Tale sound very similar, and Matt does a lot of the same things with his face in True Detectives, A Time to Kill, and TipToes. It got me to thinking:
Do you think that makes it more likely they are actually crying and therefore their crying scenes are similar, or do you think they have just learned particular facial expressions and sounds to make to fake it?
You can usually tell when an actor is really crying. The pretty criers like elijah wood husky aren't crying it if emotion. If they are full on sobbing with tears chances are it's real because to fake tears they would have to Keri the eyes open which means they can't scrunch up their face to sin abd if they're squeezing the face abd suing, they can't fake the tears. There are some exceptions but that's what I think.
I notized the similarity in crying as well in different crying scenes of one actor. But I am not sure if it is evidence that they are really crying. When you read Interviews about actors crying most of the time they admit that it is real crying, of course only the good ones!...
I think if you see similarities in how a person cries then they are probably crying for real.
I think people do have a 'crying style' a bit like people have a particular type of laugh. I also believe a particular crying style can (not always) be shared across family members.
My wife and her two sisters share almost exactly the same crying style and it remains the same as there crying changes due to increased intensity:
When crying softly all three get the wobbly voice almost immediately, but other than that they all cry quietly without much sound - bit of irregular breathing. Their eyes quickly fill with tears but the tears don't always fall immediately. All three can hold onto tears for a few minutes before they fall. When the tears do finally fall they flow from the centre or outer edge of the eye - it's rare to see tears running down the side of their noses (unless their head is tilted that way). All three allow tears to flow checked down their faces - even when crying in public. If they have a tissue they will wipe their nose before they wipe any tears. At this level of crying they don't shed loads of tears, perhaps one every 20 - 30 seconds or so. And again at this level they never have any lip curling going on.
All three appear to go from this level of crying to full on sobbing crying if they are extremely upset. It's rare for them to reach this level - I've seen my wife cry like this a few times but I've only seen one sister cry like this twice and the other only the once. But again all three have the breathless sobbing sound - not full on bawling. They are completely unable to speak. Their shoulders start to shake and their tear volume increases dramatically to the point tears start dripping from their faces. Even at this level of crying they rarely cover their faces or wipe away any tears - their faces soon become soaked from tears. Unless they have a tissue their noses start to run as well, I've seen all three with tears dripping from their noses. They also start to get a bit of a lip curl - probably not a huge lip curl in TorNorth scale but there is definietly a bit of mouth action going.
I've also witnessed several other family 'crying styles' with other groups and most people I've seen cry more than once appear to cry the same way.
So if you notice similarities in different crying events, chances are it's a real crying moment.