Hello. Brand new member. I've been obssessed with male actors' crying scenes since I hit puberty (thirty-odd years ago). Can't explain it, don't know why, and have never told a living soul about my strange addiction. But now I see that I am clearly not alone. :-)
This forum is such an incredible resource. I have been avidly reading older posts and watching so many new and exciting video clips. Thank you all! I hope to be posting some clips of my own soon.
In the meantime, I wanted to mention some very recent crying scenes. There's been quite a few really good ones, and that's pretty much what led me here. Probably no YouTube links yet, but can be found on On Demand and probably the shows' websites.
1) "True Detective", episode 8, "Form and Void". It was already mentioned in another post, but I think it bears repeating because Matthew McConaughey's monologue/breakdown is AMAZING. (And the entire show is one of the best things I've seen in years.) Final ten minutes of the episode.
2) "The Following", episode: "Sacrifice". Shawn Ashmore has a complete and utter meltdown, last five minutes of the episode. Major tears and sobbing, dissolves into the arms of Kevin Bacon. Extremely raw and real.
3) "The Walking Dead", episode "Still". About halfway through Norman Reedus' Daryl has a very moving, guilt-induced breakdown, sweetly comforted by Emily Kinney's Beth.
4) "Believe", pilot episode, about twenty minutes in. The hero encounters the telekinetic little girl for the first time and starts crying without even realizing it.
I apologize if these have been mentioned before.
Happy to be here.
Howdy welcome aboard.
Hello Squonk, welcome!
Thank you for sharing the scenes...
I often shared without giving a video/link myself, since it couldn't be found on YouTube, etc. But when someone shares a great crying scene, I usually try to download the episode/video myself, so it's really helpful to have a pointer as to which crying scenes are worth to look at ^^
I have a question about "Believe"..
Is the hero a guy/girl? An adult or a child?
I'm a bit particular about this, since I don't want to download without knowing who the hero is... (since I don't watch the series).
Happy to have you! Keep on sharing! :D
Last edited by sakura (March 20, 2014 12:42 am)
The "Believe" hero is an adult guy, a fairly new actor named Jake McLaughlin. He is a real life Iraq war vet who became an actor and I'm pretty impressed with him so far.
Thanks for the welcome. :-)
Thank you! I'll find that "Believe" episode ^^
And I really like Shawn Ashmore's crying scene in "The Following"... esp. when I've read in articles that he went from completely fine to completely broken down. Quoting himself, "That was the hardest part of the scene for me: going from completely fine to basically crying in 45 seconds," without looking at the actual footage, only staring at green screens when they shot the scene. Awesome actor!
Also, Matthew McConaughey in True Detective ep.8 absolutely nailed it!
love guys comforting crying guys. Its so sweet and it just makes the despair even more real because you know they would have tried to stop if they could