This is the first online forum I have joined. I have read through a great deal of the site and it was like reading my own thoughts and feelings. I am so happy to find you all. I love to see a man cry and feel that pull of emotional bonding in the intimacy that comes with being so open. I have only seen my husband cry (full blown sobbing) twice in our 23 years together. He does get testy and choked up a lot.
Thank you.
Greetings. It's gorgeous when a man cries isn't it?
I think it is beautiful and quite possibly my favorite thing.
LoveHisTears, proud t'have on board. You're totally among friends
Thanks handkerchief
It is just such a relief to be among like minded people. My spouse and a friend know about my fetish but they just don't get it :/ and I could obsess over it all day !!
Yes, it is such a relief to find that you're not the only one. I was so glad to find this forum myself
I couldn't even tell anyone about this fetish of mine, not even my boyfriend.
So glad to have you here!
Welcome! Yep..It's my favourite thing too! I can also obsess over crying men all day. I have never told anyone about my fetish. It feels good to have a litle secret of my own. Something that is just mine This forum is great, and until I found it I actually thougt I was crazy and the only woman in the whole world who would spend hours on Youtube searching for male crying scenes;) Guess I`m not...and that is a good thing. Hope you will like it here.
Thanks for the welcome Sakura it is a relief to find this group.
Thanks too Suckerformanlytears - I also have spent a rediculous amount of time on YouTube watching men cry.... I always will. I am happy to be here.