You may have read in my recent observations post that I witnessed a couple cry open together (male and female relationship).
Both cried openly with visble tears streaming down their faces with a bit of sobbing and heavy breathing.
By the way they reacted they had clearly seen each other cry before - which generally I'd expect from a couple. I've cried openly with my wife multiple times but only once can I remember us crying together in public and this was at a funeral. At all other times it has been a very intimate moment for me crying at the same time as my wife. A very special and private moment.
Watching this couple cry together, although amazing and a bit of a turn on was also very ackward. I didn't know what to do with myself - crying is rarely a group event and even more rarely witnessed as a display from an intimate couple. They didn't appear overly embarred by this joint display of emotion - neither ran for cover, both allowed tears to fall unchecked. Are they both just extremely comfortable with their emotions.
In a similar situation to my wife and I crying together in public I've seen two other couples (both male and female couples) cry together in public - both funerals, one of them at the same funeral as my wife and I.
On all three occasions, (including my wife and I) both couples, the male and female allowed visible tears to roll down their cheeks. I'm not sure this would have happened if it had not been a joint crying event - I've seen one of the males cry separately alone and he frantically wiped every tear away.
So, in what has turned out to me a long question - do you think the joint crying gave each other permission and justifcation to cry? Have you ever cried in public with your other half? In any situation, wedding, funeral etc.
I only cried in public once. It was in a bank. I was early on in a pregnancy and hormonal and it was humiliating
tearhunter wrote:
do you think the joint crying gave each other permission and justifcation to cry? Have you ever cried in public with your other half? In any situation, wedding, funeral etc.
I actually had to think about this one. When my wife and I (female/female relationship) are in public together and feel the urge to cry, I think being together has the opposite effect. We're more likely to quickly console each other with the promise that we can let it all out when we get home, or when we are away from other people. There are a bunch of times when we have been in public, something makes us emotional, and we distract each other with humor or changing the subject until we can get to a bathroom or our car or our home.
I can only remember twice when we cried together in public. One time when we couldn't hold it together was a few years ago in college. It was early morning and we were out jogging. I got a phone call with some bad news and we stopped and sat down on the curb and hugged and sobbed. Then we got up and walked about a half a mile, still crying. We didn't have tissues, or sleeves, so that was one of the few times that I saw tears rolling down her neck and beyond.
The second time was while we were sitting in a hotel lobby about to go to a party. This time we both had tissues so we dabbed our tears away like proper ladies.
Last edited by truffle (August 22, 2014 12:28 am)