( at 1:06:00 it's the classic mendacity scene that can be seen on youtube too, only teary but brilliant )
( at 1:31:00 full break down scene, at one point his eyes are very teary later on )
( at 1:24 :00 a one tear scene with the actor Jack Carson )
I can't watch the film with your link. I remember the scene with mendacity, but the one scene in the basement is very touching! I guess this is the second scene you mentioned. He has this incredible blue eyes which change colour when filled with tears. First time I saw the film was at school, but there is a newer version on DVD with much better quality where you can see the tears very clear.
I'm sorry flatter that you can't see the link ( i think it's the newer version because the quality is very good) but anyway i suppose some of you might be able to watch it. Paul Newman was a very expressive actor for those times when men actors refrained from crying to much on display. I remember he teared up a few times in Cool Hand Luke while he played the guitar.
I really like the fact he totally broke down in that scene with Big Daddy and that his crying is emphasized in the conversation when hi's ''father '' says he didn't see him crying before..
Last edited by psychic_girl (November 29, 2014 1:07 pm)
This is the movie Cool Hand Luke :
( The mandolin scene is at 66:43 into the movie, it's amazing how you can spot his tears dripping from his eyes while it's raining outside, soo touching ). He also sobs at 105:00 when he comes out of the hole.
Last edited by psychic_girl (November 30, 2014 1:34 am)