Last week I was at a meeting when my phone rang in my backpocket in the silet mode. I didn't pay attention because we were a small team and everybody would have notized me watching my phone. The phone stopped ringing after quite some time but started to ring again after a few seconds. I still didn't dare to pick it up, but when it started to ring for theird time I made an excuse and left the room. It was an unknown phonenumber, I pickend it up anyhow, because nobody would call me three times in a row without any good reason. It. was a friend of mine. At the beginning I just coud hear sniffles than she spoke to me with a brocken and high piched voice I almost couldn't make out it was her. From the hearing she must haven't been full on crying and I wished I would have been there to see her. I had to wait a few moments to go back into my meeting because of the feeling the phonecall left in me.
Aww, I know the horror of dealing with someone crying on the phone. It's really hard for me because I'm not good at comforting people with words, yet it's my only option on the phone. Once I was just casually talking to my online lover that I'm not dating but have a very strong relationship with (probably going to date again). Anyway, the fact we live far away has always been a big deal to him. He desperately wants to meet me and see me, but we're too young. We were talking about how badly we want to meet each other when all of a sudden I heard sniffling. As we continued talking, he started gasping, his voice was cracking, and his voice was high pitched. I felt so sorry for him and it made me want to be there with him even more. I really couldn't say anything but "It's okay, one day we'll be able to meet each other" and stuff like that. I was obsessing about the situation all week after it happened, it definitely left a mark on me.
The only actual time I've experienced my boyfriend full-on sobbing was over the phone. It's happened a handfull of times, and it was lovely, but it killed me not to be able to hold him.
I finally met my friend after the death of her father. She is not the crying type but when she told me about what happened in detail she had to wipe her eyes and her nose several times. She is one of those persons who let their glasses on their noses when crying and afterwards the glasses are smeard and have to be taken off anyhow to be cleaned.