I've noticed here that more people than not have a specific thing about seeing someone otherwise strong/tough/resilient break down. It takes slightly different forms for all of us, but it appears to be very, very common.
It's not a MUST for me. I have one OC (that's original character, for those not fanfiction-oriented) who is just really, really sensitive and cries very easily. Granted he's a strong person in some other ways (deep down, anyhow), but he's definitely not one to keep up a tough facade. But the combination of emotional power and emotional breakdowns is extra intoxicating for me.
For me, it's about emotional power. I like to see boys with a lot of privilege, pretty white ones with money, cry. (I should note here that I myself am white, but I'm not a guy and grew up very poor). I kind of like the archetype of the pretty, charismatic sociopath. He's used to getting what he wants and not really giving a shit who he hurts in the process. When someone or something (hopefully another cute boy, haha) comes along and makes him care, makes him human, he feels new things and is reduced to a childlike mess. He's a snotty crier, the kind of kid-like sobbing that embarrasses people. It's a sharp contrast: someone so charismatic who does not cry in a charismatic way at all. All the manipulation and coolness is gone. He needs a hug. (And yes, I get that an actual clinical sociopath couldn't actually experience this, but that's what fic is for!!)
What about you? How does the combination of power or strength with tears come into play?
I love it when strong women cry, but for me it's more exciting if they don't completely break down. I like imagining them going about their business, their faces remaining stoic and expressionless, and a tear or two dropping down their cheeks, and them continuing on as if nothing was happening. I don't want them to lose any of their power or confidence.
Super-Secret- You probably really would like the movie Murder by Numbers (No crying but definitely rich sociopath), Kurt and Blaine from Glee, also probably Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl. Any chance you would also want to share your fanfiction links so we can read about this OC. Sounds intriguing!
I do love Kurt and Blaine! And Glee in general. I've never watched Gossip Girl but I used to read the books when I was younger. I'll check out Murder By Numbers, since I like suspense type movies, though I must admit that the privileged sociopath archetype leaves me cold if he doesn't also cry at some point. It's all about the contrast for me.
As for my OC: Edited because a few people IRL know my fanfic handle and I don't want it traced to my account here. But if anyone ever wants links, they can PM me. I know this topic is old, but I got paranoid! I'd hate for casual friends to know the weird fetishes I have!
Last edited by Super-Secret (May 5, 2015 3:18 am)