Lots of crying in this movie :
Can I ask what you thought of the movie as a whole. The reason I ask is this is the movie that won Best Picture over Raging Bull and it gets such a kicking. I really enjoyed it myself when I saw it
I saw it in highschoool and it had a strong impact on me at the time because i was troubled somehow but not for the same reasons like the main character. I used to go to a psychiatrist as well and i loved the interaction between the two and the final cathartic scene. I thought it was a very good, realistic and inspiring movie at the time and i still believe that though at times , watching again when i was older i still think it's a bit slow.
Raging bull is another kind of movie, though...really loved de Niro in it but i'm not sad the movie didn't get an Oscar.
I know it's not quite an artistic masterpiece like "Raging Bull", but I LOVE "Ordinary People." I saw at as a kid in the theater in 1980 and was deeply affected by it and am stlll affected by it today. Such an emotional movie. Perfect for "Crying Lovers." It really is about "ordinary people" and their feelings and is just devastating.