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October 12, 2012 3:01 am  #1

Crying scene - don't know actor

I know nothing about the actor, show, or anything except that the person who posted this on facebook said it was the best crying scene.  I have to say it's certainly a very good one!

"We have our stalking memories, and they will demand their rightful tears."

June 2, 2015 2:34 am  #2

Re: Crying scene - don't know actor

Oh I love  Engin Akyürek! He is so cute...especially when crying. In this tv show there are lot of scenes where he is crying, and he is very good crier. Glad you find this scene caircair. ;)

"it doesn't take a lot of straingh to hang on, it takes a lot of straingh to let go" 

June 2, 2015 9:59 pm  #3

Re: Crying scene - don't know actor

I hope you can find more scenes and post them for us.

"We have our stalking memories, and they will demand their rightful tears."
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June 2, 2015 11:25 pm  #4

Re: Crying scene - don't know actor
In this scene he is crying A LOT! Watch from 6:00.
In this one watch since 8:30.


"it doesn't take a lot of straingh to hang on, it takes a lot of straingh to let go" 

June 3, 2015 5:02 am  #5

Re: Crying scene - don't know actor

Wow, now I'm even more impressed! I just wish I knew the translation of the Spanish.

"We have our stalking memories, and they will demand their rightful tears."
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