Is there some particular song or kind of music which makes you cry or makes you feel like crying (if you're like me, and can't cry easily)? And maybe a brief explanation why? I'll start.
1. In loving memory - Alter Bridge (it reminds me of the day my dad died);
2. Hurt - Christina Aguilera (same reason);
3. Because of you - Kelly Clarkson (family issues);
4. Jeanny - Falco (don't know, but it kills me).
A few off the top of my head:
"Breathe me" - Sia
"Hero of War" - Rise Against
"Gravity" - Sara Bareilles
"No One is Alone" from "Into the Woods". Never fails to make me tearful.
"Be still" by The Fray and a Dutch song called "Papa" by Stef Bos.
caircair wrote:
"No One is Alone" from "Into the Woods". Never fails to make me tearful.
Another Into The Woods fan. I was inspired to buy the original cast recording after I saw the movie adaptation and can't stop listening to it.
I don't really get emotional at songs, but if we are talking about songs that make me sad certain covers of When I See You Again can do it. There is also a song on my favourites list on YT called In Your Arms by Lynne Hamilton. It was a song on Neighbours that they wrote for when Henry says goodbye to the love of his life Bronwyn. It makes me sad because I miss the love of my life too.