That's why I get more excited when a man cries, especially a very stoic or normally unemotional man -- any tears he sheds are a huge and awesome surprise! Better yet if he's a guy I have been crushing on. Sometimes a guy I haven't been crushing on who suddenly cries in a beautiful, stoic way can get a new crush going though! It's happened more than once!
The rareness factor is also one of the reasons I get so excited by my own crying--almost as excited as when a man I'm crushing on shows me tears. I don't cry often and have trouble crying, but I've been practicing in a mirror and have gotten pretty good at it of late. I can work myself up into quite a ...state ....just watching and feeling my own tears fall. Therapy's also helping with that, and I'm lucky enough to have a very empathic therapist who models emotions for me, including crying! And then he always asks me how I feel about his tears, which is awkward, but yeah (I haven't told him I find it incredibly exciting and probably never will). I can't get over it. My sessions with him are the highlights of my week.
Last edited by Lauren (January 2, 2016 11:05 pm)
I love it when I see a stoic person cry for the first time, especially if I am alone with them when it happens. It's a really beautiful expression of trust.
Oh, and I absolutely must find a therapist like yours! He really sounds amazing.
truffle wrote:
I love it when I see a stoic person cry for the first time, especially if I am alone with them when it happens. It's a really beautiful expression of trust.
Oh, and I absolutely must find a therapist like yours! He really sounds amazing.
He was the first one I picked out of a list I found online of psychodynamic (not CBT) therapists who specialize in treating trauma based disorders like complex PTSD and personality disorders where emotions are shut off, inappropriately expressed or not easily accessable (avoidant PD, BPD, other cluster B disorders, etc). . Just looking at his photo I had a good feeling (not sexual attraction, but he had a kind face). But you still never know, there are so many terrible therapists out there, you have to be so careful. I still feel like I have to pinch myself that I got a therapist like that on my first try. But I have to work to stay mindful about this and not let my transference take over my life in an unhealthy or obsessive way. But yes, he seems like a keeper! I can't stop fantasizing about the day I can sob in front of him and my ideal scenario would be for him to hold my head against his chest and whisper soothing words and then when I finally get myself together I see that he's been crying too. There isn't anything unethical about something like that actually happening. I've been reading a lot online about it and this can and does happen with "reparenting," which is another word for the kind of therapy he's doing.
Last edited by Lauren (January 6, 2016 9:11 pm)
Welcome aboard Lauren, glad to have you here.
I too get more excited at a stoic person crying. This is why I don't get excited at the thought of children crying, (Thank God)
My favorite crier ever is Robin on How I Met Your Mother, early in the first season she states that she never crys in front of everyone. Over the course of 9 seasons she slowly opens up and breaks down in front of each of her friends, I highly suggest you check out the episode called "Of Course"
Just tried to look for screencaps and they're aren't any!