I haven't read the book, but the sheer volume of male and female crying in this relatively short trailer makes this film one to look forward to.
Last edited by Tristana (March 8, 2016 8:48 pm)
The trailers already out of date as Alicia actually won her Oscar for The Danish Girl. I also clicked on the trailer for Imogen Poots' new movie A Country Called Home which seems to also have some potential crying scenes
reptongeek wrote:
The trailers already out of date as Alicia actually won her Oscar for The Danish Girl. I also clicked on the trailer for Imogen Poots' new movie A Country Called Home which seems to also have some potential crying scenes
Very true! I hadn't noticed that.
A Country Called Home does look promising -- Imogen Poots is strikingly beautiful. Incidentally, she's also appearing in a film that I'm very excited about, for a number of crying- and non-crying-related reasons: Terrence Malick's Knight of Cups.
I have read "The Light Between Oceans" and it's heavy, emotional stuff. Michael Fassbender is an AMAZING crier ("The Counselor", "Shame") so I have great hopes for this one.
Hi Squonk,
I wanted to let you know that I've enjoyed a number of the clips you've posted to the forum; I think you and I have similar taste in films and actors. Tom Hardy in Locke and James McAvoy in Welcome to the Punch are two of my absolute favorites. I'm also impressed that you posted a clip from Dead Ringers -- David Cronenberg has long been one of my favorite directors and Jeremy Irons is always devastating,
Michael Fassbender is indeed one of the best criers/actors around -- I still need to see Shame.
Have you seen his Macbeth? I wonder if it has any good crying scenes?
He sobs into Keira Knightly's lap in A Dangerous Method, but no there are no visible tears.
Oh yes he is a talented crier. He has said in interviews for The Counselor, that in the phone conversation scene with El Jefe it wasn't in the script for him to cry, it just came out of him. He says he was afraid it would be too much. Fortunately for us the director disagreed and kept it.
Thanks Tristana, you've got some great taste there yourself. "Locke" and "Welcome to the Punch" aren't too well known. And Hardy and McAvoy are both champion criers. (As is Jeremy Irons).
I will hopefully see "Macbeth" in the near future. There is a shot in the trailer of Fassbender with a tear rolling down his cheek, but I'm hoping there will be more.
Have you seen my post in the "Images" forum with the link to my huge, male-crying Pinterest board? There might be some pictures there you'd enjoy.
Last edited by Squonk (March 18, 2016 1:15 am)
Wow, Squonk. Your Pintrest board is amazing!!
So many of my favorite actors (your Clive Owen selection is outstanding), so many movies/performances I love (Atonement, Filth, Blue Velvet, Moulin Rouge, Silver Linings Playbook, Snowpiercer), and so many things I still need to see (Warrior, Coriolanus, Closer).
You also reminded me of a few old favorites I'd nearly forgotten about (Leo in The Basketball Diaries, Johhny Lee Miller in Trainspotting, Swing Kids (!))
thanks, thanks, thanks.
Last edited by Tristana (March 18, 2016 8:24 pm)
So was there a good crying scene from him?