I saw this photo a few days ago and I heart leapt. It shows her crying hysterically after appearing in court (in the drama involving Johnny Depp). I do believe she's doing an incredible lip curl. For a while I didn't want to believe that this is a genuine lip curl. I thought maybe she was talking while she was crying. But it really does look like pure, raw sobbing. I've often been disappointed by women as hot as Amber Heard when it came to the lip curl department, hence my disbelief. But maybe for once this is the real thing. What do you think? Even if you're not into the lip curl, those who like women crying might appreciate the raw intensity of this photo.
Last edited by TorNorth (June 22, 2016 5:50 pm)
Looks like very bitter tears. Wonder what she sounds like?
If it's pure sobbing, then I imagine a kind of wail. Might even be something more silent, like a whispery wail in a broken voice.
As a woman who has cried with an expression kind of like that -- although not for a while -- I think it looks like a real lip curl (something I'm starting to appreciate more in both men and women.)
Sound wise, what I picture is heaving, breathy largely silent sobs punctuated by that little high-pitched whine or squeak that women tend to make when they are really upset, but trying to cry quietly.
@Tristana: Do tell! When was it that you cried with an expression like that? Did you see your expression in the mirror? What kind of sounds were you making?
Normally, I'm more of a teary crier. My lips and chin tremble and my mouth contorts a little when I'm trying to talk, but my bottom lip doesn't fully curl unless I'm really upset, which thankfully happens very rarely.
One time that stands out in my mind was during college -- so about 10 years ago -- when my long-distance boyfriend and I were breaking up over the phone. I had locked myself in the bathroom of my dorm so that my roommates couldn't hear. I was pacing around, so I caught little glimpses of myself in the mirror. I could also just feel my mouth curling downward.
I remember that I didn't want him to hear me crying and was trying to keep my voice steady. But sometimes as I was saying something especially emotional I would catch myself wanting to sob. I would pause and clench my teeth together in order to suppress the sound, which would come out mostly just as ragged breathing and sometimes a little stifled squeak. That's when I would catch myself making an expression kind of like what you see in the picture. (My bottom lip is a little bit fuller than Amber's and I don't think mine curls quite as nicely, but the same basic idea).
In my case I feel like the lip curl was intensified by the effort of suppressing sobs and trying to cry quietly and unobtrusively. I wonder if that might be what's happening in the photos?
Edit: It was definitely one of my most intense crying experiences. After I hung up the phone, I remember feeling exhausted and out of breath -- like I had been swimming underwater for a long time and had finally come up for air.
Last edited by Tristana (June 22, 2016 8:25 pm)
That sounds really hot. I would love to watch you try to stifle it and then lose control and go over the edge.