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July 1, 2016 4:36 pm  #1

short observation of male crying

Over the last days I had 3 obervations of man crying an truffle brought me to write them down for you. 
The first man is in his thirties, he is married and has two kids, who are the same age as mine and they go to religion together. He told me about a hard time with his wife, the kids and his job and I could see, that he was near tears. He told me about a kinesiologist he was consulting and that he felt better now. I told him, that I still could see, that his problem is touching him deep down and his face crumpled, his eyes became very red and filled with tears. He shed 3 tears, one was running down his left cheek and he didn't wipe it away, the other two were running down near his nose on the right side because he lowered his head. 
The second man I don't know so well but saw him on the verge of tears 2 times in the past few days. He had an issue with his wife, and bouth times his lips were pressed together, his eyes filled with tears and got red and he was frenetically wiping unter his nose and over his eyes. Both times he apologized for beeing emotional and had to stopp talking for a few seconds and I could hear the tears in his voice. 


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