I have been trying to find video of this scene, in which Miller's Sherlock finds his long-thought-dead intellectual equal/girlfriend, alive and well and painting in a studio. He sees her and his face just crumples. It's beautiful. It's episode 22 or 23 of season 1 and all I could find was this one picture. Off to trawl tumblr for more pictures and perhaps even a gif or two. Damn, I wanna see this scene again.
Offline You're welcome.
Thank you!
Scene starts at 41:45 and it's more subtle than I remember, but just as good. The pic above happens in the next episode, 'The Woman/Heroine'.
Very nice. I've always thought Jonny Lee Miller was pretty cute -- I should really start watching Elementary -- and I do like a trembling lip and chin. A few tears would have been icing on the cake.
Last edited by Tristana (July 5, 2016 6:44 pm)
While the show is on summer hiatus, I still have five episodes of the latest season to catch up on, and will update y'all if he gets any closer to tears.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (July 5, 2016 9:20 pm)