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Another early-career crying scene (visible tears; some sobbing) from Michael Fassbender, who plays twin serial killers in this 2004 TV movie; the handsome Rupert Everett (who also looks a bit teary near the end) plays Holmes.
The crying starts about 7 minutes in.
IMHO there's nothing better than discovering a favorite actor's "pre-fame" crying scenes, I'm hoping there are still a few more out there that I haven't seen yet.
I remember this film. There's also a scene in it where the father of the murdered girl is crying at the morgue, and Watson (Ian Hart) comforts him.
Oooh, thank you for this! I love Fassbender and didn't know about this one.
I'm interested to see The Light Between Oceans, his latest movie. given what I know about the plot, I expect there will be some excellent opportunities for crying scenes - both female and male.
caircair wrote:
I'm interested to see The Light Between Oceans, his latest movie. given what I know about the plot, I expect there will be some excellent opportunities for crying scenes - both female and male.
I've been looking forward to that film as well; I'm hoping to find time to see it this coming weekend. From what I've read, it seems like Fassbender gives a somewhat understated, emotionally restrained performance -- at least compared to his female co-stars -- but I'm optimistic that there will be a few good scenes.
Last edited by Tristana (September 6, 2016 4:46 pm)
Good emotional book. I've heard things both pro and con regarding the possibility of Fassbender tears (the fact that he's Michael Fassbender and seems to cry in everything being a good "pro").
Whoever sees it first, please let us know if there are indeed tears.
Should be a terrific movie no matter what.
Well, I did read his leading lady and he are a couple off screen, so now I'm more intrigued than ever.
Squonk wrote:
Whoever sees it first, please let us know if there are indeed tears.
Should be a terrific movie no matter what.
So I finally saw The Light Between Oceans. I thought the cinematography was gorgeous, the performances were engaging, and Fassbender and Vikander had nice chemistry in the romantic scenes. He also looked quite handsome.
Having said that, it'a a bit of a bust on the male crying front. On the whole Fassbender gives a pretty reserved performance. (Ironically, he cried more -- and more intensely -- in X-Men: Apocalypse than he does here.) The only relatively satisfying crying scene is the one that appears in the trailer (around 1:15 in this video: ). It's a bit longer in the finished film, but not by much; it probably only lasts a minute or two. There were four or five nice moments where his eyes filled with tears, but they never quite fell the way I'd hoped.
Sorry to be the bearer of disappointing news (although depending on your crying preferences, you might find it more satisfying than I did). And for those who are interested in the story and/or are fans of the book/cast/director/genre, I do still think it's worth seeing.
Lovers of female crying will find a lot to like. There are copious tears and several instances of intense sobbing -- often with very expressive lips and face -- from the lovely Alicia Vikander throughout the film. Rachel Weiss sheds a number of very pretty tears as well.
Last edited by Tristana (September 14, 2016 1:21 am)
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