In the movie The Reader there's a moment I love, in which Ralph Fiennes' lovely eyes are positively pooling with tears during an emotionally painful conversation. Here is a screenshot that I believe captures the tears in his eyes well (sorry for the link; I can't seem to reproduce the picture itself in my post):
Edited to add: It would be great if someone better at this than I could post the actual photo here for all to see -- or even post it to the Pinterst Crying Images board!
Last edited by White Tulip (October 2, 2016 9:46 pm)
I had similar difficulty getting my first images to post too. You have to copypaste the image (not the page) url into the 'add photo' dialog box.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (October 3, 2016 3:47 am)
Thanks so much for taking the trouble, Phoebe, and for the advice. It's such a beautiful photo, IMO, in that it shows the sensitivity and "softness" of Ralph's face, as well as the tears in his eyes.