The teenage Mickey Rooney's hysterical breakdown in the 1938 movie Boys Town. I first saw this scene when I was a teenager (20 years ago), and even then I was impressed by how intense the crying was:
Last edited by White Tulip (November 9, 2016 6:38 am)
This looks pretty great but i guess it has to be somewhere a clip in a better quality..
Oddly, this is one of the very few crying scenes that leaves me cold. I don't know why, but ever since I can remember, Mickey Rooney has given me the creeps - there's something a bit. . . unsavory, I guess?. . . about him. I always thought he seemed a bit pervy.
caircair wrote:
Oddly, this is one of the very few crying scenes that leaves me cold. I don't know why, but ever since I can remember, Mickey Rooney has given me the creeps - there's something a bit. . . unsavory, I guess?. . . about him. I always thought he seemed a bit pervy.
I can't quite warm to Mickey Rooney either, but as someone who's studied acting I believe he was a truly great actor, even -- or especially -- in his childhood years. He certainly does an amazing job here.
Last edited by White Tulip (November 10, 2016 8:13 pm)