First of all, I have to say I am so relieved to find this site. I've looked through a few posts and it's amazing to see other people describing their fetish and it all sounds so familiar to me. It is really just recently that I've acknowledged that my interest in crying is abnormal, and everything is kind of clicking right now. But I'm still confused about some things and have some guilt over this fetish, I'd like to know if others can relate. Just a few points off the top of my head:
The main thing that I feel seperates me from other people on here is that the crying is just the icing on the cake. What I'm really aroused by is men feeling emotionally hurt and expressing it, and then being comforted. Acting hurt, verbally expressing that they are hurt, or crying all make me feel similarly, although of course when they're crying it shows that they are feeling particularly strong emotions and that's what I enjoy. But the feeling that those things give me is really just the build-up to the comforting which is at the core of why I enjoy this. It's hard to describe because I don't really think it's sexual for me, although there has to be some sexual component because I only feel this way towards guys that I'm attracted to, not other girls or people I find unattractive. I also like the idea of this all in reverse, with a guy comforting me. When I first hit puberty and starting becoming really boy-crazy, the first fantasy I remember coming up with (before I was even interested in sex) was this long story about me and a boy, where the climax of the story was him making me cry and then feeling bad and comforting me. When I look back on it, even pre-puberty I vaguely remember being fascinated when boys would cry and I liked to imagine boys that I had crushes on, crying. So there is definitely some sort of sexual component, but it feels different from when I'm turned on by sexual stuff. The feeling is more in my chest/stomach and it's like a warm, kind of strange and unexplainable feeling, but I think afterwards I feel kind of turned on. It's definitely not something that I masturbated too lol.
But I digress. Mainly what I'm wondering is, does anybody else get those same feelings even when there aren't tears involved? For me, it is all about someone being emotionally hurt and then comforted.
The other thing I'm wondering about is, does anyone else struggle with guilt over this? Ever since I've really been thinking about it (for the past few years I realized I enjoyed something about this phenomenon, and now I'm realizing it's definitely a kink and it's not going away), I worry that I'm sadistic and that I will hurt men so that I can go through this hurt/comfort thing with them. Of course, I feel differently about these things when they happen in real life. When there have been times that I hurt boys that I was attracted to (never made anyone cry thankfully), I felt horrible about it and didn't see it in the context of these fantasies I had. But the fact that I enjoy these fantasies so much makes me worried that I will get carried away and hurt someone just so I can play out a fantasy in real life. I don't believe the pleasure I get from this is sadistic, it's all about comforting someone, but obviously you can't just say hurtful things to people so that you can comfort them.
I guess there's just a sort of frustration because I can never act out this fantasies that I have, because a) it would be wrong to create them myself and b) when someone is actually hurt/crying, even if I find them attractive, it's hard for me to get any enjoyment out of it because it's real. So instead I just have to stick to doing this all in my head or watching scenes in movies etc, which feels kind of silly.
I don't know how much of this is relatable or not, and I'm sure everybody's fetish is different. I just honestly know close to nothing about this, and it's hard to find any articles on it online. Does anyone know what the psychology/biological processes are that cause us to feel this way? I'm particularly interested in what that specific feeling is that I get -- the warm feeling somewhere in my chest/stomach. I only feel that way when I have these fantasies, which makes me think that this feeling is possibly unique to dacryphiliacs.
So that's all I have to say for now, but I'm sure a lot more will come to mind soon. Any and all replies will be appreciated. I'm very grateful that I found at least a small community that understands
I guess for me, some guy acting hurt and expressing it is definitely something I would gravitate towards liking to watch in say, a movie but not to the same level as actual crying. Would not give me the physical sensation in the stomach you mention. (Which I know well and do get from a good crying situation)
Also, I don't enjoy the real life crying of people in my family or that I am very close to. Like if my husband cries I do not enjoy any aspect of it because it means something's wrong, it affects me too and it needs fixed. ( and is possibly my fault Lol)
Quick story- prior to a few months ago I didn't know this fetish existed. I always knew I was drawn toward crying movie scenes and had emotional fantasies involving crying but I had no reason to connect it as a sexual thing. Then 2 months ago I was watching a show where someone starts unexpectedly sobbing and I felt myself getting physically aroused. I mean literally felt the blood rushing there and I was like W....T....F...!!! My first thought? "I must be a horrible person to get that feeling from someone else's pain. What Is wrong with me."
That's when i started researching. I googled "aroused by men crying" and found the dacryphilia term. Most of the first pages I found were all about sadism and I immediately realized that did not describe me. Then i found this place and stuff made sense. I don't feel guilty anymore and I know I would never hurt anyone intentionally.
Last edited by Ella (August 15, 2015 11:06 am)
I am aroused by men getting emotional, even if they do not cry. Part of my fetish is definitely comforting, not just the crying. Sometimes, I do get uncomfortable about the fact that someone's pain causes me to be aroused, but I don't think it's the pain, exactly - it's the expression of the pain and the potential for me to console him.
I'm not sure about movies...I gravitate toward emotional scenes, but when I'm just watching it on film or in performance, I will empathize with an emotional actor and possibly tear up myself. It takes a lot more intensity in that situation to really turn me on. I still enjoy the scenes, though.
With a man in real life, even a conversation about a hard day or something slightly unpleasant draws me toward him.
I know the warm stomach/chest feeling you're talking about. For me, that is tied very closely with sexual arousal, but I see how it could be separate, too.
And welcome to the forum! It's great to have you posting.
Nice to know you, confused, and I hope you won't be for long. I myself have been attracted to crying since I was thirteen or thereabouts. I guress I felt a little guilty to start with, for I knew good and well that it wasn't normal Eventually I came to conclude that normal is a relative term and that I am what I am. If you need a friend, you've come to the right place. These are good people. Again. honey, welcome and more than welcome..
I've been drawn to crying since a I was a child. I always made my dolls and whatnot cry. It facinated me. Later on it just became about guys. I love the comforting aspect and I like how guys look when they cry. Maybe cuz of the sterotype that men don't do that or can't (which is bull). But most men don't get as loud as some women do. Most gently weep. 'Course sobbing gets me most. I actually am more attracted to it than I am a different fetish, which I guess I can talk about here since that site led me to this one; sneezing.
Maybe it's the helpless and can't control the reaction thing.
At any case, I did feel guilty and still kinda do. In years past I felt like a psychopath. Like what kind of evil person likes people being in pain? It isn't that, I know that now. It's the response and wanting to help them. I think it's beautiful
Last edited by BananaTree (August 19, 2015 11:41 pm)
Oh my goodness. You basically just described me in everything you said. I am the EXACT same way, word for word. My fetish is also a build up process to comforting. Comforting men is the main highlight for me, and I know that feeling in your chest that you speak of. Your heart starts racing, that warm fuzzy feeling rises inside of you so suddenly. I love it. I also fantasize about me being comforted as well. In fact, a couple months ago I was having a genuine meltdown in my guy friend's arms. I replay that moment in my head over and over and get that warm feeling in my chest and that pounding in my heart. But my fantasies are mainly me comforting men. In the past, I have also purposely hurt others verbally so I could comfort them. But I was way younger then, and no longer do that. I'd say that as long as your have self control, you shouldn't worry about it. Everyone has their kinks whether they want to believe it or not- and our comforting kink we share is actually a sweet kink in my opinion. We get joy out of comforting and loving on sad/crying men. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as we don't act out on our fetishes (which, knowing that we share the exact same fetish, I know we won't).
It's so cool to see another human being with my exact same fetish interests to type it out so vividly. It makes me feel so much more relatable and more comfortable with my fetish. It truly is a strange phenomenon, how many people out there that really do enjoy comforting people. I've noticed a pattern on here; males tend to lean more towards crying/tears in general, while females lean more toward the comforting aspect of it. For the most part, at least. It's strange how a select few people in the world feel this way. In my opinion, I think that we have this fetish because we take the natural pull to sad people more seriously. Humans naturally want to love and comfort someone who is upset or crying, and I guess this natural feeling takes over and stands out to us. I remember when I first discovered I had this fetish as a five year old. I hadnt thought anything at all of comforting and had never personally seen or remembered someone being comforted. I was playing with my toys, and I made the male toy cry. Just going along with the scenario, I automatically made the female comfort and cuddle him. As soon as I did this, I was IMMEDIATELY attracted to the feeling of sympathy and compassion I was feeling. To make her touch him, love him, and care for him in his time of despair was so overwhelming for me. From that point on, I was a true dacryphile. I fantasize about crying scenarios literally every night in my head, it is a nightly routine that I must do. So yeah, I think that us comfort lovers just put emphasis on our natural loving and caring for people (men for us) who cry.
I enjoyed reading the details of your fetish (since our are exactly alike!) and I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. I hope to see you around on the forums soon!
-Grace (Yowza)
Hi there, yes I completely do. Just found this and am feeling more relieved as I read these posts. It can feel very isolating to have this thing and no one to talk about it with who has it too. Yes, I do feel a lot of guilt about this that I'm still working on getting over.
For me the guilt is from feeling uncomfortable when any of my loved ones are upset and crying or on the verge of tears, and I deal with the discomfort by becoming distant/leaving them to deal with their emotions or much more rarely by going in there and comforting them but not looking at their faces. I don't have this problem at all if I'm talking with anyone else who is upset though, I can comfort them no problem. I think it's because one of my very early dac observations was when my sister was crying and I was fascinated by her tears, so I have this irrational fear now that my family is going to trigger my fetish when they're upset, if that makes any sense.
confused: I think I've felt that same "warm" feeling in the chest and stomach you describe. And yes, comforting is a major part of the fetish for me. In fact, it's sometimes hard to know for sure if I'm mainly into crying or mainly into comforting.
Last edited by White Tulip (January 7, 2017 10:52 pm)