TorNorth wrote:
NeedHerSobs wrote:
In retrospect, though, the girl I dated senior year of college had a very prominent lip curl.
Any good observations?
Vanilla ones of course
She was a crier. I can remember quite a few experiences with her. That said, she was almost always crying in my arms with her face buried in my shoulder, so I didn't get to see her expression much.
She was a very wet crier, though. I could feel her tears falling on me, and my shirt would be soaked by the time she finished.
Tristana wrote:
The last time I cried, which was probably three or four months ago, tears flowed from my eyes fairly quickly and I know my chin and lower lip quivered a little but, but that's about it. In the rare instances I sob (it's been years) my bottom lip quivers, bulges out, and maybe curves downward a little bit, but it doesn't fully curl.
My younger sister has thinner lips than I do and I suspect she probably does lip curl. She's a more emotional person and tends to cry a lot more often and a lot harder than I do. She and I live far apart and don't get together very often, so I haven't seen her cry for at least a year -- and at that point I hadn't joined this board and didn't know what a lip-curl was. :-) But when I think back, I do remember her sobbing with a contorted lip and chin.
Could you feel them quivering, or did you see yourself during that time? Does your bottom lip quiver when your mouth is open?
TorNorth wrote:
Could you feel them quivering, or did you see yourself during that time? Does your bottom lip quiver when your mouth is open?
Hi, TorNorth. I wasn't able to see myself, but I could feel it -- it's usually one of the first things that happens when realize I'm about to start crying. I know that my bottom lip tends to tremble when I talk and cry at the same time, so it probably happens when my mouth is open as well.
TorNorth wrote:
Well, I hope it wasn't anything too bad those two times you cried. That said, we need more obs! Come on, this board is dead as hell. :'(
I'm not sure you want me posting about those two times in particular because of forum rules; my wife and I have been experimenting with some sexual bondage-type roleplay. Whenever we think up a storyline, we always leave lots of opportunities for either one of us to cry if we want to, at whatever intensity we prefer. I usually like to take the submissive role (don't judge), and as you probably can guess, the submissive partner has more openings to cry in the context of the story. That said, if you're creative enough, the dominant partner can also cry and remain dominant; for us, this happens more often than you'd think. Those two times I mentioned above, we had a really fun storyline based on the TV show The 100, and it was the only roleplay storyline that had me sobbing twice. I was so convincing the second time that my wife had half a dozen tears roll down her cheeks by the end. We've done some emotional non-bondage roleplay but no lip curls result from that.
BTW sorry I haven’t posted that many obs lately. I’ve started a new job this year and it’s exhausting. Plus, now that tearhunter isn’t around anymore I don’t have anyone to talk to about female tears and female/female relationship stuff. Noticing lip curls and other stuff doesn’t come naturally to me and I have to focus hard to remember them.
TorNorth wrote:
The photo of yourself you posted in the past had a shot of your crying mouth. I can't quite tell if you bottom lip is curled or not since your lips and chin were not fully visible. Though I thought it was kinda sorta curled maybe. Is that roughly what your lips look like when sobbing, or does it curl more prominently? Does your mother or your sisters do lip curls similar to yours?
My sobbing lips do actually curl more than that, but I can't seem to do that chin wrinkle. My youngest sister's lips are a bit bigger than mine and I think they curl more. I have an old picture of my mom when she was in her 30's that was taken by her brother after she had burned her finger in hot milk. She really had the most quintessential lip curl out of my whole family back then. All our lip curls are symmetric, not lopsided at all.
Personally, I'm definitely interested in your stories of bondage role-play. I'm also kind of allured by the fact that the dominant might cry during roleplay. This is not the place for it, of course, but have you considered posting on the dacryphilia forum on fetlife? There's definitely an audience for you there.
I agree that tearhunter is a fabulous listener of stories, so it sucks that he isn't around. I personally like hearing about the lips, but I don't mind at all hearing about the tears and other interests. There are other tear lovers here too, who might be interested in hearing about female-female stuff.
I'm guessing, you do don't do the chin wrinkle then maybe you're not a lip curler after all. The curling of the lip brings the chin upwards and gives it the dotted or wrinkled look. In fact, I sometimes judge the lip curl by whether or not the chin is going up. Sometimes someone will cry with their lips parted, but their bottom lip may not have an obvious curled shape. However, if the chin is going upwards at that point I'll judge it a lip curl. Or maybe your chin does go up, but you don't notice?
Huh. If it has to include a chin wrinkle, then it's settled. I don't lip curl. Booooooo. I can fake the expression in front of the mirror, but when crying naturally I don't make that face. Mother, sister, and mother-in-law definitely do though. Thanks for repeatedly and patiently explaining this to me.
I may try Fetlife in the near future, but I think I'll wait until the two of us have figured this out for ourselves first. I want to nurture this budding dacryphilia that has taken hold of my wife, and I think the subject needs to be handled gently and slowly.
truffle wrote:
Huh. If it has to include a chin wrinkle, then it's settled. I don't lip curl. Booooooo.
I can fake the expression in front of the mirror, but when crying naturally I don't make that face. Mother, sister, and mother-in-law definitely do though. Thanks for repeatedly and patiently explaining this to me.
I may try Fetlife in the near future, but I think I'll wait until the two of us have figured this out for ourselves first. I want to nurture this budding dacryphilia that has taken hold of my wife, and I think the subject needs to be handled gently and slowly.
Boo, indeed. And while I mourn, I havve to ask. Have you ever faked it while actually crying? After being aware of it as a thing, I mean. As a kid, I actually remember doing it on purpose quite consciously while crying, which meant that it was more of an exaggerated lip curl than the once I usually did.
Now that your wife is somewhat in the dacryphilia circle, is she aware of the fact that she's a lip curler?
Yes I can fake it. It feels weird to do it without sobbing though; I don't understand how my wife is able to hold the lip curl expression even when crying at a relatively low intensity.
The concept of lip curling has been very helpful in getting my wife to accept and embrace these urges. Whenever someone believes that their own behavior is repulsive or shameful in some way, it helps to show them that others have similar behaviors, and that other people have already thought about this stuff in detail and have categorized things and have tried to understand the behaviors. So yes, she knows that she lip curls, but she doesn't seem attracted to lip curls in others.
I've been trying to figure out what aspects of crying she enjoys in others. From what I've gathered, she likes the sound I make when crying loudly; she's encouraged me to make more noise because my sobbing is generally whispery and hushed. She also likes my breast and belly movements while sobbing. I just bought some liquid eyeliner and because she wants to see me with dark tear trails on my cheeks. So basically she likes all aspects of hard crying except for the lip curl.
Your wife sounds like she and I are of similar minds. It's cool to see someone sharing a fetish like that.
truffle wrote:
Yes I can fake it. It feels weird to do it without sobbing though; I don't understand how my wife is able to hold the lip curl expression even when crying at a relatively low intensity.
The concept of lip curling has been very helpful in getting my wife to accept and embrace these urges. Whenever someone believes that their own behavior is repulsive or shameful in some way, it helps to show them that others have similar behaviors, and that other people have already thought about this stuff in detail and have categorized things and have tried to understand the behaviors. So yes, she knows that she lip curls, but she doesn't seem attracted to lip curls in others.
I've been trying to figure out what aspects of crying she enjoys in others. From what I've gathered, she likes the sound I make when crying loudly; she's encouraged me to make more noise because my sobbing is generally whispery and hushed. She also likes my breast and belly movements while sobbing. I just bought some liquid eyeliner and because she wants to see me with dark tear trails on my cheeks. So basically she likes all aspects of hard crying except for the lip curl.
What aspects of your wife's crying do you like best, and do they correlate to things you generally like in female crying?
I think I share your wife's attraction to breast and belly movements. Though personally I think clear tears look lovelier than the mascara ones, though even that I generally find beautiful. I prefer less noise, however. The best sob for me is the one that's intense but also whispery or husky. Difficult to find but amazing.