I know this has been posted before by Squonk in another thread but i thought i can repost it with a greater resolution video that i recently found on youtube. I greatly enjoyed the crying in this movie and how Rourke's face looked throughout the funeral scene :
( the scene i'm talking about is at 2:02:00 aprox but i highly recommend you to see it in high definition. Not even on this link is that good because of the zoom but Rourke's face while crying can be seen quite ok .He looks amazing at 2:03:55 with eyes filled with tears and tears sprinkled on his cheecks)
What i like about this scene is that after the funeral part it shows Rourke in a bar with the other cops, they keep taunting him while he looks distraught and continues to cry and wipe tears with a tissue. I saw this scene in hd on demand and he had tears in this one as well , and his eyes were moist and puffy and then in the following scene at home where he looks at his wife 's picture he tears up again and we could see his face in a close up ...Somewhere eralier in this movie there's another scene where he lies down on a bed with the actress who plays the chinesse woman, Tracy Tzu. At some point his eyes well up with tears as she hols his hand. There's another close up and one tear falls from his left eye and then she touches his face snuggling him.
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 8, 2017 8:43 pm)
He has at least 4-5 crying scenes in this one where he plays a saint :
, one close up at 1: 49:00 , one at 1:53:00, a sobbing scene at 2:11:49 , and one more teary scene at 2:22:00 about) . I think the sobbing scene is the best, very realistic..
Dammit! Video was removed! No luck today with seeing videos! Sigh...
Maybe it's unavailable in your country, i can still see it's there...there are other clips with it on youtube so don't worry, you'll manage to see those scenes
The sobbing scene shows a man who weeps alone. I don't think that anyone would cry like this being in company. Quite long scene! Thank you for posting!