Great to meet you, Woundedpuppy!
I'll reiterate, I don't think anything is wrong with this fetish, for want of a better word but I understand why it has such a stigma and can create insecurity. I just send comfort and blessings to you and to all of us. We're in this together. My sole attraction is the release but hey whatever it is for everyone...I support. Anyway I look forward to seeing more of you all. BLESSINGS!
Hi Carrotcake!! I guess I edited my mushiness from my original post, but before I made it public, I had gushed at how great it was to see so many familiar people still here. Wish I had kept that part in now.
Hi to you too, La Llorona. It's great to meet new members!
Well, according to my profile, this will be my 500th post, so... Happy 500th to me!!
Seems like a cause for celebration. I plan to cook up a fun topic or two in the next little while. I enjoy using my imagination...
Last edited by woundedpuppy (April 28, 2017 2:38 am)
I come and go. I forget about this place sometimes, wish it was more active.
I remember one member who messaged me saying that her interests had changed and wanted her profile deleted. I think I also remember in the past woundedpuppy saying something along the lines of that her fetish was waning at that point (corrections please). One thing I personally take for granted is that interest in this fetish can vary. Dacryphilia is a huge (albeit undergrround) aspect of my life. Sometimes (unfortunately) it feels like it's the biggest part of my life. I also know that this is not necessarily the case for everyone.
Time is a huge issue, as many people have stated. I tend to work very long hours, and I usually come on this site through my phone. I have this thing where I find it really annoying typing long sentences on the phone, which is why I refrain from actually making posts here unless I'm on my laptop. The trouble is, I'm so tired that when I'm home and idle, I tend to collapse in bed and just get comatose. An entire week or even weeks can go by nowadays and I haven't opened the laptop.
I guess the biggest issue is that this board isn't particularly eventful. I'm not sure what to do about that. The subject matter for this board isn't exactly world-famous. We are a very small community and the board activity reflects that. Also, we've spent years discussing crying related topics, and it's not always easy to come up with fresh ones. However, I am happy to see a steady trickle of media being posted. There seems to be a major shortage of observations. It could be that people haven't seen a lot of crying recently, which I guess is a good thing. Or maybe people just aren't bothering to most them these days. To these people I say, post them! There is an audience ready and waiting.
It's also important to remember that a board like this is very give and take. If everyone is willing to contribute something, then everyone gets something. I used to make weekly posts of videos and posts, but I stopped when I realized there doesn't seem to be much of an audience for them. Or if there is one, it is mute. It ultimately depends on what you want to get from this board. My personal reason was to find good media and have discussions. I don't think I got all that much in the media department, but I still enjoy being a part of the community. This is why I encourage people to voice their wants, so that others can accommodate them and vice versa.
Also, it does look as if most of the current mods are not very active on the board, which means I'm going to have to set of new mods soon.
Btw, some people have expressed some concerns about Tearhunter. I have had the same fears for some time now. I know many people here have a close relationship with him, having shared stories, sorrows and intimate details of their life. He's a genuinely nice guy.
Great to see you again, WP!!!
Yeah, Tornorth, if you want to go ahead and remove my mod status I'd be fine with it.
I guess one thing I'll mention is that I've sort of rethought the ethics of posting personal observations. I'll happily post descriptions of my own crying (and plan to do that as it comes up), but I just don't feel good anymore about posting long observations of my partner's crying without his consent. And I feel like even asking his permission would be a violation of his trust.
Hi All, this feels a little awkward given I simply vanished from here a while back and I feel rather guilty for not at least letting you guys know I was at least alive! I'm genuinely touched by some of your comments on this thread - I've never physically met any of you but we have shared a lot over the years and despite it being a small community it is a very caring community.
So where did I go? I'm not going to give any details via an open forum - for one, anyone I know that stumbles across this forum might realise it's me and also it's not the easiest thing to explain in a single post. I will probably chat to a few of you via PM over the next few days but for public consumption - it's safe to say there was many reasons I had to drop off the forum while I got a few things sorted out.
Why come back now? To be honest it's been in the back of my mind for a couple of months now but it's always difficult to make a move after such a long time. I've lurked a bit in the background and this thread helped make my final decision to return. I've really missed the discussion side of the forum and there has been a few threads I really wanted to add my thoughts too but posting on one of them out of the blue would have been really odd.
As TotNorth mentioned the forum is slow and it's difficult to inject new stuff as we have addressed a lot of the obvious stuff over the years. It's very likely we will revisit some of those topics, give the newer posters a chance to contribute and that's fine in my opinion. This forum will I think never have hundreds of active posters and if it did I think it would lose something for many of us long standing (if recently absent) members. So, it's good that it ambles along - it's still here after what 7 years or so and survived a change in forum host provider - small but resilient.
I'm also really busy and time is an issue as it is for so many - I may not be as frequent a poster as I was in the past and it might be it comes in fits and starts but I hope to be a regular contributor again. I have really missed you all and your kind words have been a huge help even though you were not sure if I was reading them - a very big thank you from me for that to all of my friends here.
Right I'm off before I burst into tears! Speak soon.... promise.
Tearhunter (almost forgot my name on here!)
So glad to hear from you! No details needed for me, just knowing you're hanging in there is enough.I hope things are going better than they were. Either way, I'll keep a good thought for you.
tearhunter wrote:
Hi All, this feels a little awkward given I simply vanished from here a while back and I feel rather guilty for not at least letting you guys know I was at least alive! I'm genuinely touched by some of your comments on this thread - I've never physically met any of you but we have shared a lot over the years and despite it being a small community it is a very caring community.
So where did I go? I'm not going to give any details via an open forum - for one, anyone I know that stumbles across this forum might realise it's me and also it's not the easiest thing to explain in a single post. I will probably chat to a few of you via PM over the next few days but for public consumption - it's safe to say there was many reasons I had to drop off the forum while I got a few things sorted out.
Why come back now? To be honest it's been in the back of my mind for a couple of months now but it's always difficult to make a move after such a long time. I've lurked a bit in the background and this thread helped make my final decision to return. I've really missed the discussion side of the forum and there has been a few threads I really wanted to add my thoughts too but posting on one of them out of the blue would have been really odd.
As TotNorth mentioned the forum is slow and it's difficult to inject new stuff as we have addressed a lot of the obvious stuff over the years. It's very likely we will revisit some of those topics, give the newer posters a chance to contribute and that's fine in my opinion. This forum will I think never have hundreds of active posters and if it did I think it would lose something for many of us long standing (if recently absent) members. So, it's good that it ambles along - it's still here after what 7 years or so and survived a change in forum host provider - small but resilient.
I'm also really busy and time is an issue as it is for so many - I may not be as frequent a poster as I was in the past and it might be it comes in fits and starts but I hope to be a regular contributor again. I have really missed you all and your kind words have been a huge help even though you were not sure if I was reading them - a very big thank you from me for that to all of my friends here.
Right I'm off before I burst into tears! Speak soon.... promise.
Tearhunter (almost forgot my name on here!)
Let me guess, black ops mission for MI6? :O
Last edited by TorNorth (May 1, 2017 4:17 pm)
Wow, that was an impact! I didn't dare to hope to read from so many members, that they are still around. Glad everybody is still alive, especially tearhunter!
I would be happy to post more, started to post via IPhone, which has an "autocorrecter". That is easier for me because my mothertongue is not english. Sometimes I struggle to bring my thoughts into an understandable english sentence. I know that there are others not natively speaking english, which I think are much more fluent in this language than I am and sometimes I feel like an elephant in a porcelain shop.
As for my observations: I have some observations but I just posted those from people I know personally and not related to my occupation. There was not much resonance to these posts but maybe I post a next observation, most likely a female one, but maybe also one of the rarer male ones.
TorNorth wrote:
tearhunter wrote:
Hi All, this feels a little awkward given I simply vanished from here a while back and I feel rather guilty for not at least letting you guys know I was at least alive! I'm genuinely touched by some of your comments on this thread - I've never physically met any of you but we have shared a lot over the years and despite it being a small community it is a very caring community.
So where did I go? I'm not going to give any details via an open forum - for one, anyone I know that stumbles across this forum might realise it's me and also it's not the easiest thing to explain in a single post. I will probably chat to a few of you via PM over the next few days but for public consumption - it's safe to say there was many reasons I had to drop off the forum while I got a few things sorted out.
Why come back now? To be honest it's been in the back of my mind for a couple of months now but it's always difficult to make a move after such a long time. I've lurked a bit in the background and this thread helped make my final decision to return. I've really missed the discussion side of the forum and there has been a few threads I really wanted to add my thoughts too but posting on one of them out of the blue would have been really odd.
As TotNorth mentioned the forum is slow and it's difficult to inject new stuff as we have addressed a lot of the obvious stuff over the years. It's very likely we will revisit some of those topics, give the newer posters a chance to contribute and that's fine in my opinion. This forum will I think never have hundreds of active posters and if it did I think it would lose something for many of us long standing (if recently absent) members. So, it's good that it ambles along - it's still here after what 7 years or so and survived a change in forum host provider - small but resilient.
I'm also really busy and time is an issue as it is for so many - I may not be as frequent a poster as I was in the past and it might be it comes in fits and starts but I hope to be a regular contributor again. I have really missed you all and your kind words have been a huge help even though you were not sure if I was reading them - a very big thank you from me for that to all of my friends here.
Right I'm off before I burst into tears! Speak soon.... promise.
Tearhunter (almost forgot my name on here!)Let me guess, black ops mission for MI6? :O
HaHa - Wish it was that exciting - sadly not! Didn't win the lottery and just returned from a world cruise either!