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April 28, 2017 6:37 am  #1

A way of telling people without telling people?

OK, this isn't one of my "fun" posts or polls I was gonna do, but something that came up for me...  

I was going through the usual debate of whether to tell or not tell people about the crying fetish and came to the conclusion that telling anyone other than a romantic partner, fellow fetishist or counsellor would be useless at best and harmful at most.  But then I had this thought...

What about telling people you have a big interest in learning about other people's weird, non-sexual fetishes/fantasies?  Indulging them, even?

This is absolutely true for me.  I have watched lots of videos and read lots of articles about strange fetishes and have enjoyed it immensely.  I am a sucker for novelty.  Did you know some people have a fetish for cars?  Not for driving cars, I mean MAKING OUT with cars.  I didn't know that until recently.

That one would be pretty easy for a person to take care of on their own as long as they had the financial resources (presumably you would want a garage for privacy), but what about the many other fetishes that require another person to be present?  What then?

I started thinking about how incredibly excited it would make me feel to hear about people's fetishes.  Again, not the ones involving nudity or acts considered sexual, but like ours, which is not inherently sexual (although turns many of us on).  Like balloon sitting.  Rolling in the mud.  Tickling with a feather.  Those kinds of things.  Except this wouldn't be child's play.  The person would definitely find the activity stimulating on a whole other level... an obsessive level... a passionate level...

I would like to indulge people in these innocent (well, not so innocent) kinds of fantasies.  I feel like I was born to be that creative, enthusiastic person who makes people's wildest dreams come true.  I even wrote a fic about it a while back which I posted on this forum.  It was about an actor who is hired to fulfill a crying fetishist's crying fantasy.  I forget the name of it right now, but it's still there.  Although I basically cast myself in the role of getting my own fantasy fulfilled.  But I liked the actor character a lot too... I created him, after all!

I think it's because I relate so well.  I know what it's like to find something odd incredibly exciting that you feel you couldn't ask just anybody to do with you for fear of seeming ridiculous or warped.  You could say I get off mentally on weird things (because they're more interesting and novel than the norm) and that I also get off emotionally and even physically on bringing other people JOY.  I want to be the person who helps them reach that incredibly exciting place.  I want us to get excited together, even though it's not my own fetish.  This must be like what teachers feel about teaching... except I've never wanted to teach... I've wanted to play... just play... I want to bring others into the ultimate adult playground and encourage them to let loose with their passions.  I really wonder why this situation doesn't exist except in the BDSM club context?  I guess because BDSM (in all its variations) is the most common kink?

So anyway, I was thinking... what could I do about this?  And can I relate it back to my crying fetish somehow?

Should I just start mentioning my interest in weird fetishes to people?  It seems so much easier to admit to that than to admit to my own fetishes...

I know of no generic "fantasy fulfilling" business or I would already be using it for my crying fetish.  I know there are male escorts, but I wouldn't think of escorts as being able to cry real tears on demand... it would certainly be an odd request for them... but an equally odd request for actors who CAN cry real tears on demand without it being part of an actual audition... 

But I digress... this is about the reverse side of it... making myself happy by making OTHERS happy by fulfilling THEIR fantasy needs... they say if you focus on others, you are happier for it... you are more likely to forget your own problems... I agree with that... can it be done?  I am not one to advertise on Craigslist in search of people with weird fetishes... I wouldn't feel safe!  But I am just starting to think, maybe it would be cool to get some sort of quirky thing going.  I don't know WHAT... but something that would draw people with rare fetishes to ME... and maybe, eventually, I would either feel fulfilled just by being part of a fantasy come true or someone would want to indulge my fetish after all that I had done for them...

By the way, relevant background info on me is that, a) I am married to someone not interested in indulging my crying fetish, and, b) I am in my 40s, so it's not like I can say, OK when everyone gets drunk and sloppy at the next big party, I'm gonna start a fetish conversation!  I mean, people my age (and I am in the arts world, so I'm a little surprised and disappointed that it hasn't gotten weirder) are usually not sloppy drunk nor partaking in silly dares or contests or anything like that.  They just sort of stand around and talk.  To bring up fetishes would seem, well, certainly eyebrow-raising and totally out of the blue.  I am so shy!!!  I'm wondering if there's a way I can slip this idea into people's heads through the back door somehow... 

I think the key might be creating something first and then people are drawn to it and come to it?  But I want it to be people I trust... mutual friends, even people I know... the community I'm already involved in... people who live in my general area, not from around the world on the internet... I want to experience the intimacy of being in the same room... I want to connect with people... would there be enough people who had a weird fetish, or would I have to cast a wider net?  This could kind of be my 'thing'... that I am a fantasy maker... there are storytellers, poets, puppeteers, painters, craft makers, but I have yet to meet a "fantasy" maker... what do I do, hold a class of some kind?  A workshop?  I feel like I might be reaching way too high with that line of thinking... is there a simpler way?  Is there a different community/subculture I should be targeting who would respond better to this whole rare kink thing?  I like the thought of helping ordinary people experience extraordinary fantasies.  The sci fi community seems to love fantasy... and probably have their own kinks beneath those costumes they wear... but sci fi culture is not my expertise... I think immersing myself in that world would likely miss the point... I am closer to the fetish side of things (obsession with something specific, like crying) than the escapism into a whole other world or character if that makes sense, although happy to indulge both... I mean, if someone wanted me to play a certain character, I think that would be great fun... I'd find the costume, study the role, and get into it!  But I actually prefer it to be sexual for them... non-sexual in an overt sense to anyone watching, but a secret turn-on inside...

Any thoughts?  Thanks for listening...

Just thought of something... I could write a book or blog on rare fetishes and personal fantasies... so I could go around asking for content for my blog... asking for personal interviews (names withheld for privacy)... and then go from there if we found we had a good vibe together?  Hmmm...

Always brainstorming...

Feedback welcome, even if you think there are some stupid ideas here!  Any feedback is useful.

Thanks, guys!




April 29, 2017 5:35 am  #2

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

Most People are afraid to open up about any fetish, not only the crying thing.
You wrote that you are into art. Is it a possibility to reach out to people by performing "special art"? I don't know which art form you are in. But maybe singing about tears, make a sculpture about a crying person. Maybe you reach out to other people, touch that spot to get them talking about problems and things and you are the one listening to them and understanding their problems?


April 30, 2017 9:30 am  #3

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

Thanks for your input, flatter!  I like the idea of what you said... reaching out to other people through crying-related art and touching a spot that gets them talking about their problems.  That is a different pursuit than what I was thinking about, I think (I was wondering if I could find out people's quirkiest non-sexual fetish fantasies and make them come true both for the reward of it and taking focus off my own fetish problems, unless they wanted to return the favour, of course, and it's easier to tell someone about your fetish if they told you theirs first)....... but what you describe is certainly no less relevant for discussion!!

My only artistic skills are acting/improv and music, although, ironically, I am almost exclusively interested in performing comedy!  I guess I am not a very 'serious' person... more of a light, playful person... but maybe I could pull something off in video format... easier than a live audience, I think... will try to think what sort of video I could make... 

BTW, cute story (maybe).  I auditioned for a dramatic stage role once and tried to do my lines really seriously (as though I was on the verge of crying) and then cringed at my own attempt... realized I was purposely breathing loudly and heavily in an attempt to "seem" more emotional... it's a wonder they didn't die of laughter... appreciate that they kept a straight face... I giggle about it now... pant, pant, pant, pant... I must have sounded like a thirsty dog or something... yep, that was me trying really hard (a bit TOO hard) to be serious.  I would be better than that now, though. 

Last edited by woundedpuppy (April 30, 2017 9:35 am)

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April 30, 2017 9:11 pm  #4

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

I'm not sure this is totally on topic but I'm just going to go ahead and talk about it anyway. I was on antidepressants from age 15 to 25 (I'm 26 now) and hormonal birth control from ~19 to 25. Once I came off those things I experienced this kind of sexual...awakening? Previously I was kind of neutral about sex, and could only really get into it if I was also fantasizing about crying, never for its own sake. And while crying is still a major major part of what turns me on, I've also discovered I like being submissive and have started toying around with light BDSM (more emphasis on the power exchange part than the bondage part). Which seems kind of backwards because in the realm of dacryphilia, I much prefer to be the comforter and the person in charge of the situation. 

But because of that I've started following things like the r/BDSMcommunity subreddit, which is more discussion based than porn etc, and that's a great place to find out about all the strange things people enjoy. Yesterday there was a post asking for advice about how to safely glue someone into high heels, and the top comment was about how wonderfully creative the kink community is! 

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

May 1, 2017 8:43 am  #5

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

So glad you posted that, Meantangerine!  ANY sharing and discussion is good, in my opinion... at least regarding the threads I start, I certainly don't mind things veering off in a different direction from where they begin... especially in a group as small as this, I don't see the need to worry about that!  

So cool to hear about what's been happening with you.  I have been exploring the other side, at least mentally speaking.  The dominant side.  Like you, it's primarily the power exchange I'm interested in.  It's not where I started out with my sexual interests, but it was so much more commonplace than this fetish that I exposed myself to a bit of dialogue on it and sort of grew into it and am feeling rather intrigued.  Although like with my crying fetish, I seem to have a preference for everyone keeping their clothes on and just treating it like a kind of mind play, basically.  But mind play that stirs more than just the mind... ;)

Although most pics I see online still don't excite me, I feel like the conversation prior to a scene would be exciting.  Like, the thought of discussing where his boundaries are, thus exposing where his vulnerabilities are.  It's still about the man's vulnerability for me... I don't think that will ever change.  It's just that I did not see myself as dominant before.  BUT my thought is, even if a guy wants to be dominated in a non-nurturing way, it is still being sweet to him as you are giving that guy what he craves deep inside... so a win-win.  I like the thought of giving a threat I'll never actually carry out but letting them feel that rush of fear they want to feel.  Most of all, although the sub actually controls the situation (because they can stop anything at any time with a safeword), I like the thought of getting to experience a sense of control... which for me feels like getting what you want, basically... you're getting the vulnerability you want out of them through controlling them and the circumstances... not by waiting around hoping vulnerability will happen spontaneously (like the crying fetish) or stepping on eggshells trying to get an emotional conversation going, but by aggressively taking them when and how YOU want them... not only is that a rush, but there is an even bigger rush that they TRUST you with that power... it is that sense of intimacy... they trust you to do things to them... crazy things!!  It would obviously be such a turn-off if there wasn't that trust and intimacy involved.  It is their willingness to play this way... no... their passionate burning DESIRE to play this way... that really interests me.  A genuine sub... anything less than that (say, someone just trying to make me happy by playing the role) is probably not going to interest me... I will know... I want them to want the vulnerability... I want it to be real...

Anyway, thanks for the tip on the r/BDSMcommunity subreddit!


Last edited by woundedpuppy (May 1, 2017 8:56 am)

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May 2, 2017 12:52 am  #6

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

Ohhh now I'm picturing a kink-negotiation kink. As in, the scene starts by the sub "revealing" some emotional limit that he doesn't want you to cross, because it would make him cry. (This all being part of the scene, so there's no actual damage being done) Then you get to cross that line and he starts crying. I'm guessing it would have to be some kind of genuine cathartic experience, but a positive one rather than a negative one, for this to really work. That would be cool. 

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

May 3, 2017 7:13 am  #7

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

Had to read that a few times.  I get it now.  A scene within a scene, almost.

If I had finished my fic from a while back (it was about an actor who negotiated a crying/comforting scene with a client to indulge her fetish), it would have gone from him crying (acting) professionally as planned for a while to him slipping into his own sudden urges to cry on a woman's shoulder for real (without him *telling* her he had switched to being himself) and then a third switch to him confessing that he had left the acting/character behind a while ago and continuing to cry and be comforted by her 'off the clock'.  Three different dynamics for crying and comforting, each with its own unique appeal.  Maybe I will finish the fic someday, although now the plot is ruined. ;) 

Last edited by woundedpuppy (May 3, 2017 7:18 am)

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May 3, 2017 7:40 pm  #8

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

If I understand what you are saying you'd love to be able to set up a kind of service where you could help people release their emotions as a way of helping them but at the same time (a kind of secret payment) you get to enjoy your fetish by see them cry.

​I remember read (might have been on here I think) that in Japan you can 'rent' a guy to come around and wipe your tears as you cry - I mean what a job!! Won't mind putting in the overtime in this job! But, how on earth do you start such a service? The Japanese thing as I understand it is 100% clothes on and not sexual in any way - although you are getting a good looking guy around to comfort you and wipe your tears away which I think is very intimate.

​I can only guess they set up a website and eventually people requested their services. Only thing is I think it was primarily focused as a female crying, male comforting - would/could it work the other way around? Although to prevent it being viewed in a sexual light you might have to offer the service to everyone.

​I reckon as with all supply and demand services you need to offer something others want and people need to know the service is there - it would need to be advertised in some way.

​Need to watch out for the 'crazies' - personal safety would be very important. But, I guess it could be done, just need the guts and confidence to set it up. Question, if it would work in a western society - although I think there is a percentage of the population (male and female) that would love to be able to cry with someone. I read some where that crying is a forum of communication and in evolution was never meant to be a solo act behind closed doors.

​Not sure I've answered anything here, or whether I'm aligned to your thinking but I'd love to be a partner in this business ;o)


May 5, 2017 9:31 am  #9

Re: A way of telling people without telling people?

tearhunter wrote:

If I understand what you are saying you'd love to be able to set up a kind of service where you could help people release their emotions as a way of helping them but at the same time (a kind of secret payment) you get to enjoy your fetish by see them cry.

It's so great to see you posting here again, Tearhunter!!    But (*looks up at original post and scratches head*) I guess I didn't make myself clear on this post... hmm... but it's OK!  I know I go in so many different directions that it's hard to tell where I'm at sometimes,  No, I wasn't thinking of helping people release their emotions as a way of helping them.  I was thinking about making people's quirkiest fetish fantasies come true (as long as they weren't physically sexual).  I was thinking it would be fun and intrinsically rewarding to make someone else feel happy.  And that it would take my mind off myself for a change.   And yes, if they really wanted to return the favour, I know what I would request, but that was kind of a side point... ;)  

But yeah... there's always safety... and I wish there was a way of taking the sexual connotation out of it... or that people were way more chilled about sexual connotation.  I just wish people would get together at parties and say, Hey, tonight let's do weird things to each other!  That sounds like fun!  What is everyone's weirdest desires?  Let's indulge everyone's strangest fantasies!  And one person has a thing for playing with people's elbows, so they get a turn playing with people's elbows.  And someone else wants to be worshipped.  And someone else wants to be punished.  And someone else wants weird things shoved into their belly button.  And someone like me wants to see real tears roll down a guy's face.  And then get together with that guy later to do it over and over if they're any good at it. ;)  And continue to shove weird things into their belly button. ;)  'Cause I'd want to make them happy just like they'd be making me happy... it's not fair otherwise...

I've got it!  I've just got to invent a board game called Your Strangest Desires and market it and sell millions of copies so it becomes the norm for partiers everywhere.  That shouldn't be too hard, right? ;) 

In all seriousness... I guess kinksters are the most open-minded people out there for talking about and indulging other people's unique fantasies... maybe despite my hesitation, I have to embrace that community and have faith that there are others who are like me who are not interested in doing physically sexual things and not strongly into BDSM either but do want to indulge weird fetishes... ?  

Or... if I'm brave enough, perhaps could I facilitate a party like the one I described??  It would be putting myself out there for sure... scared... wish someone else would take the lead... but I would totally attend a party like that!

Last edited by woundedpuppy (May 5, 2017 9:52 pm)

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