Earlier this year, one of my college professors asked us an interesting question. He said, "If crying was declared a sport, how would you rank? Would you be a rookie, an amateur, a professional, an all-star, a non-participating spectator?" Then he challenged us to not just regurgitate his example answers, but to be creative. He also challenged us to ask random people this same question. The assignment is over, so I'm just asking out of curiosity where some of you think you would rank.
By the way, my answer was I would be a multiple time world champion and Olympic gold medalist in the sport of crying. I would be in the hall of fame. I would be the go-to person for all the news, sports, and talk shows on the subject of crying. I would make and sell videos that teach people how to excel in the sport of crying.
The professor loved the creativity of my answer. He was kind of surprised when I told him I really wasn't exaggerating about how and how much I cry.
I'm looking forward to your answers/observations about yourselves in regard to this topic.
Sub-amateur with no interest. Hate crying personally and haven't had flowing tears since April 2016.
This is such an interesting question. I'm really curious about the context-- what class was it? Was a written question or spoken? (as in, did you get to hear other peoples' answers?)
For me, I guess I'd say I'm an avid spectator (know all the history, memorized allllll the stats, watch and rewatch classic games) and occasionally play a casual game myself. I also have a special talent for coaching; people tend to feel comfortable crying in front of me.
And welcome to the forum, so happy to have you here! I have some questions for you too! What do you like most about crying? Do you get pleasure from crying yourself, or from seeing others cry? You mention making and selling videos to teach people to cry...... dare I ask if you have any videos of yourself crying?!? It sounds like a sight to behold!
And one last thing, what's your gender? (I know you mentioned a girlfriend but I don't want to assume )
Amateur. I do cry - more frequently than in the past - but I loathe crying and it's generally just a few tears.
meantangerine wrote:
This is such an interesting question. I'm really curious about the context-- what class was it? Was a written question or spoken? (as in, did you get to hear other peoples' answers?)
For me, I guess I'd say I'm an avid spectator (know all the history, memorized allllll the stats, watch and rewatch classic games) and occasionally play a casual game myself. I also have a special talent for coaching; people tend to feel comfortable crying in front of me.
And welcome to the forum, so happy to have you here! I have some questions for you too! What do you like most about crying? Do you get pleasure from crying yourself, or from seeing others cry? You mention making and selling videos to teach people to cry...... dare I ask if you have any videos of yourself crying?!? It sounds like a sight to behold!
And one last thing, what's your gender? (I know you mentioned a girlfriend but I don't want to assume )
It was a verbal, spoken question, as were the answers. It was a human behavior class. It was quite a while after he asked us that before we got to the topic of emotions and crying. I guess he wanted us to be thinking.
Thanks, it's great to be here. What I like most about crying is that is a great release. It washes all the junk out, you know? I always feel so much better after a good cry. I don't take any pleasure out of other people hurting, or being sad, or grieving. If though, someone is feeling any of those things and they respond by crying, that's certainly okay and a valid response.
One thing I do absolutely love is when my gf and I cry together, and we do often. It is such a powerfully intimate thing sharing that kind of vulnerability with someone you love. We always feel so much closer afterwards. She was crying the day we met.
The thing about the videos, that's the one part of my response where I was totally kidding. I do not like pictures of myself, moving or still, whether I'm crying or not. You won't find me posting any crying videos on YouTube or Vimeo (though I do watch some occasionally). I don't even like taking selfies.
I guess a lot of things about crying have always intrigued or fascinated me. Like why is it so stinking controversial? I mean there are these unwritten rules out there that it's okay for girls to cry, but not us guys. And then there are the unwritten rules that say you must never cry in public or in front of anyone else. Why the stigma? Crying is a bodily function like breathing. And I believe in some cases almost as necessary. There is nothing wrong with crying. It's nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.
And to answer your final question, I am a guy. 20 years-old and a college student.
I would say I am a hard nut to crack, faithless. I do cry but not very often. I don't like to cry myself because it makes me vulnerable. I don't have the faith that others don't take advantage when I am vulnerable. And I know that one time I start crying I can't stop anymore, maybe all the tears have to come out once I allow them to flow... in such a situation usually the tears not come just once but every little detail makes them flow again.
Welcome to the forum Icry, interesting topic!
Actually a hard question to answer for me... I think I'd be the undiscovered professional who's does not show his talent to others often but is world class when takes part. Also, studies the form of others and what's to know as much as possible able the game.
Welcome to the forum, great to have you posting.
I agree with much of what you have said regarding crying. I also believe our bodies cry for a reason - most likely to expel bad stuff from the body like most excretions! The problem for it being more acceptable as you say is the stigma and negativity which surrounds crying. A large percentage of the population regard crying as weak - and that I think can be true for women as well as guys and the view can be held by women just as often as males as well. There's a whole topic in this very question probably best left to another thread one day.
It's great to hear this from another guy. It sounds like you cry easily and frequently. Can I ask how often you cry? Based on what you write do you cry openly - i.e. do you shed many tears? And if you do, do you allow them to fall unchecked down your face? Does your openness to crying change depending on whether you are crying along, with your girlfriend or in public?
Again perhaps another thread, but if you have cried in public or at least 1-2-1, or small group what has the reaction been? I'm guess those closest to you would react more favourably than those you don't know so well. I'm also guessing the reaction was not always good. I'm also male and my crying has gone through a few peaks, most notably in recent times. Although I cry quietly, I'm generally very tearful - there is no hiding the fact I'm crying due to the tears constantly leaving my eyes - so I often just let them flow but I will try and wipe them away more if I feel self conscious - which happens if I'm feeling judged, or regarded negatively, or outright hostile just because I'm a guy in tears!
And I have to agree 110% crying with a significant other is very intimate and creates and incredible close bond. My wife and I have no problem or embarrassment of any sort crying in front of each other - sometimes it's just one of us doing the crying - sometimes we are crying together. Wiping / Kissing each others tears - hugging each other while letting out the emotion is very powerful and I believe hugely beneficial. Don't know what stage your relationship is buy have you ever made love when one of both of you have been crying? I've talked about this a number of times on here... it's out of this world!
Very interesting topic one I'm sure I'll be adding to... but need to run for now - life getting in the way again!
I'd say I'm an avid fan who'd like to compete, but can't quite make the team.
I cry pretty rarely -- usually briefly and without much intensity, although I do shed a fair amount of tears.
I actually don't mind crying. I wish I was the kind of person who cried over sad movies or songs, but it's just not the way I react to things. (It's probably a combination of my naturally stoic demeanor and growing up with young, stressed-out parents who relied on me to always be happy and cheerful.) I think I just automatically suppress those emotions before they really take shape.
To a large extent I think my fascination with crying stems from a desire to be more open about my feelings. I develop crushes on actors or male acquaintances after seeing them cry, because I admire the way they allow themselves to be vulnerable. I guess it's sort of like the way an aspiring athelete might idolize a handsome gold medalist in her field.
Last edited by Tristana (May 9, 2017 9:09 pm)