meantangerine wrote:
This is kind of borderline gross, but I like the idea of a man offering a woman a handkerchief that hasn't been washed since the last time he used it to dry his tears (I'm thinking very recently, and no nose-blowing).
HAHAHAHAH!!! I love that, I really do. There are a couple cute and hilarious scenes that come to mind reading that. Hopefully no one will be spoiled by this but those Harry Potter fans probably read the whole series by now lol. But in the Deathly Hallows book, not the movie, and I wish this WERE in the movie lol...there's a scene where Hermione is crying. Ron, who is in love with her grabs a handkerchief, then realizes it's really gross lol. So...he takes his wand...and uses magic to clean the handkerchief completely off. He then gives the snot free handkerchief to Hermione. Aww, it was SO adorable! I think Hermione looked at Ron, lovingly after that
The other scene is from a movie with Steve Martin...I wish I remembered the name. It wasn't "Parenthood" or "L.A. Story," but whatever it was, his girlfriend was crying. A friend of Steve Martin's gives her a handkerchief. She smiles and uses it to wipe her eyes. After a pause, Steve Martin says,
"You know, I really don't get it, this whole handkerchief thing. You have one, you blow your nose, and then some girl starts crying. And then you give her this gift of a handkerchief, and she's supposed to feel so grateful to you as she rubs it all over her face?"
Steve Martin plays a bit of a jerk, lol, but he has his moments. He's so hilarious when he says that though, and then when his girlfriend starts talking to him, you still see the tears on her eyes and she's blotting them a bit. She tells him she wants to have a baby and I think Steve Martin kind of melts at the end of the scene.
Last edited by La Llorona (May 5, 2017 2:01 am)
Sometimes when my girlfriend cries, she always specifically wants the towel I used the last time I cried so "our tears will be together" as she says. Of course, honestly, unless we're in public, or even somewhere kind of private but others are around, we don't wipe away our tears. We just let them dry or evaporate.
Icry wrote:
Sometimes when my girlfriend cries, she always specifically wants the towel I used the last time I cried so "our tears will be together" as she says. Of course, honestly, unless we're in public, or even somewhere kind of private but others are around, we don't wipe away our tears. We just let them dry or evaporate.
Wow. That's it. That's it right there. It sounds like you cry a lot, about how often does it happen? How intense is it usually/how long does it last?