I just got back from seeing an amazingly good production of the musical Les Miserables. It was a high school production, so I don't want to post in detail (i.e. since the people I'm referring to are "underage"); but let me just say that there was some very effectively acted crying from several of the cast members, including the actors who played the revolutionary students (they cried when the Gavaroche and Eponine characters were killed). Quite touching. In addition, I teared up at a couple of points during the show (example -- the moment when the Bishop pardons Jean Valjean for stealing his silver). I'm pretty sure others in the audience cried as well, especially during the show's final scene.
Last edited by White Tulip (May 13, 2017 4:08 am)
Omg that's amazing! I love Les Mis. Did you see the movie version? I was a wreck during that Bishop scene, and during Anne Hathaway's singing of I Dreamed a Dream. She broke my heart. That whole movie is one amazing crying fest.
Sounds great for a high school production. Any crying from the female cast?
La Llorona wrote:
Omg that's amazing! I love Les Mis. Did you see the movie version? I was a wreck during that Bishop scene, and during Anne Hathaway's singing of I Dreamed a Dream. She broke my heart.
That whole movie is one amazing crying fest.
I did see the movie when it first came out, and liked it a lot. I cried during the confrontation between Fantine, Javert, and Valjean (when Fantine is almost arrested). Fantine's line "Yes, you were there" in that scene always wrecks me.
TorNorth wrote:
Sounds great for a high school production. Any crying from the female cast?
Yes, there was sobbing from the Fantine. Interestingly, though, there was much more crying from the male cast!